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Bruce, you are really making that Mahindra earn her fuel. I can really salute you guys for wrestling those rounds onto the pallets. Lots of work.

We bought a new set of log chains. These are 12 foot and 1/2 inch. Don't know how they will do with some of the big deadfall logs that we are going to be working with come spring but I know they are a fraction of the chains that we are using now. This logging wench is happy to be dealing with lighter chains.

As for being south enough to use ya'all. You would be surprised. We are in Macon county. The county above us is Adair, which has Truman university along with the college of osteopathy. No southern accent. Go south to Macon county and to the City of Macon which is the county seat and the southern drawl is alive and well. I think there is about a 30 mile distance between the cities of Kirksville and Macon. The folks in Macon are a lot friendlier also. Guess it's part of its 'southern charm' but the first thing we noticed is that people there are more likely to invite you to have a seat and talk for awhile. At least that is what we have encountered.
No bra? Oh whow, only in my dreams. I remember reading an article that said if while not wearing a bra, you can put a pencil under your breasts and hold it with the weight of your breast, you are big breasted....I just laughed. Pencil? More like a Louisville slugger. :lau
Well my scars run along the crease where my bra would rub. No thanks. For the longest time I could barely find a bra that fit. No I don't need any. Perfect.
When it comes to "fiber arts," there aren't many I haven't at least tried. Quilts don't last around here - someone always lies on em' and just wears the fabric out. :idunno I learned to crochet as a kid (basically self-taught, because I'm left handed). Both of my grandmothers crocheted (I have at least one item from each of them in the attic), though my mother's mother was by far the more creative. My mom, and my MIL, and now my daughter, too - I guess you could say I'm part of a dynasty. I've had a lot of fun doing awesome patterns designed by other people, though I often find a way to make them uniquely my own. What really gets my juices flowing is creating my own designs from scratch. I started making chicken Christmas ornaments a few years ago on a whim, and have sold them at a local hardware store every year since. We introduced the sheep last year, and they were very well received, so this year, I branched out to several more animals. I had hoped to do online sales this year, but it's a good thing I didn't try; I didn't have anywhere near enough stockpiled!:oops:
Sold out is a good thing, right? It's frustrating - my eyes won't let me focus that close for long anymore, so I have to watch videos to keep me shifting my focus depth up and down, which slows me down . . . :barnie

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