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Hey, Perchie stopped by! Been missing you, girl!

Good morning all. Yes, I started freezing eggs last week also. I have about two dozen in the freezer now. If my 4 pullets start laying before winter I will have some fresh eggs for breakfast fare. I think I have 4 more dozen to put in the freezer this week which should give me enough to get through till next February.

I just got this mental image of virtual kindergarten @ronott1. It was-- :lau :lau I keep picturing this frantic teach saying, Susie, Susie, sit down I can't see you on the monitor. Billie, quit picking your nose! Mikey! Didn't I say to sit up straight? No Eddie, you cannot play with your action figures right now. We are studying colors at the moment. Okay everyone,it's break time, show me your milk and cookie!
My Grandson kept un muting himself but otherwise is doing well. It does go a long time though compared to when I was in Kindergarten-- 8 to 2:30.
hello stranger! :frow how are you? have you moved in yet?
No but the Pantry is being built and the Kitchen cabinets have done their dry run. The popout for the refrigerator should be started as well. By making a box for it It can be made almost flush with the wall. And the location is at a perfect triangle for the work flow.

My back is another story. Seems that I may have Scoleosis. and Yes at age 65 its not unnusual. I go for ex rays this week. and will schedual an MRI when I go in.

I think all my lost fat was supporting it and now that that is going away my problem is showing its ugly head.

Hey, Perchie, keeping cool ?
trying to. 110 is a bit tough. Cold soup for dinner Salads to keep up the Electrolytes and Hotsauce in the warm foods.

Been buying KFC Lemonaid in the half gallon jugs. I drink it mixed with filtered water at about 50 50. My stommach seems to like it and I can keep a steady flow going. Full on Lemonaid Makes my esophagus cry. and I have to power down tums.

Hey deb. How's the transition into your own place going? It's been awhile since we've heard from you, so I figured you were getting settled in.
Not quite weve had a heat wave including some heat warnings. My back is being a pain. Scoleosis is no fun, and I am trying to learn how to manage.

I get more info this week when i go in for xrays.


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