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Found their hole in the ground to the nest and plopped a glob of concentrated Sevin in there followed by a flooding spritz from the hose. Not very eco/nature-friendly, but then they weren't nice ants in any way, shape or form. I'd get scabby sores where the soldiers that were quick would attack me. Icky ankles.
Are they like the ones in texas that get into electrical junction boxes and destroy the wires?

Luckily no ants like that are here yet
Well can only have one big broody at a time did a flashlight look at my broody cochin
she is happy has her eggs


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@perchie.girl, I need some of your expert canning advice

(and any other old folk who may have the answer to this question for me)

Neighbor gave us a quart of dill pickles, or at least what I thought were dill pickles. I'm the only one that eats them and I love them on burgers and the like.

When I opened them, I discovered that they aren't DILL pickles, they are pickled cucumber slices. No dill flavor, no nothin in them but vinegar and maybe water? I dunno but the vinegar taste is very strong.

I would really like to try to save these pickled whatever you call them and finally came up with an idea.

I bought some pickling spices on Amazon. If I were to drain off the vinegar solution, heat it, add a tablespoon or what ever anyone can suggest in order to do just a quart jar of pickles, add the pickling spices and simmer the solution, then cool it and add it to the cucumbers, would it add flavor to the pickles or am I wasting my time and should I just buy some cucumber seeds and do my own thing?

I wish I'd had a picture of me the first time I bit into one of those cucumber slices. I'm a pickle aficionado so I've never grimaced and spit something into the trash so fast in my life. I hate to think of that poor family, sweet as they are, eating quarts after quarts of these things.

Thanks guys for any information you can give me.
Sorry I am late on this. But I would drain and toss the vinegar and start with a fresh solution. Specifically for dill flavored pickles. And do them like refrigerator pickles.

I do refrigerator pickles just like the ones she gave you . They are great as a side dish. I also put in Onions too.

But yeah do the fresh pickling solution for flavor.

Told somebody If they wanted one I'd throw some scratch in a cardboard box, toss a rooster in, seal it up, poke some holes in it and mail it to them along with a 20 dollar bill. Not really but the last thing I need is a few silkie hens with broody switches stuck in the 'on' postition.
:lau :gig

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