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Take care @dsqard. Glad it wasn't more serious. A friend of mine broke her arm near her wrist falling down stairs one evening. She said the Ortho was a personal friend of theirs and told them to meet him at his office. He x rayed her wrist said he could set it and asked her about anesthesia. She said it couldn't hurt anymore than it was so just set it. Her husband said her scream could be heard down the street. He was impressed with the volume she produced. Even she said that she impressed herself!

Morning everyone. I'm starting to feel like or of those cat lovers door mats that say HELP! This is my 88th day of me! It wouldn't be so flipping bad if I could get outside and play in the dirt. But one word keeps popping up on the 7 day forecast..RAIN!:hit
Take care @dsqard. Glad it wasn't more serious. A friend of mine broke her arm near her wrist falling down stairs one evening. She said the Ortho was a personal friend of theirs and told them to meet him at his office. He x rayed her wrist said he could set it and asked her about anesthesia. She said it couldn't hurt anymore than it was so just set it. Her husband said her scream could be heard down the street. He was impressed with the volume she produced. Even she said that she impressed herself!

Morning everyone. I'm starting to feel like or of those cat lovers door mats that say HELP! This is my 88th day of me! It wouldn't be so flipping bad if I could get outside and play in the dirt. But one word keeps popping up on the 7 day forecast..RAIN!:hit
:hugs snowing here but at least it's pretty
Take care @dsqard. Glad it wasn't more serious. A friend of mine broke her arm near her wrist falling down stairs one evening. She said the Ortho was a personal friend of theirs and told them to meet him at his office. He x rayed her wrist said he could set it and asked her about anesthesia. She said it couldn't hurt anymore than it was so just set it. Her husband said her scream could be heard down the street. He was impressed with the volume she produced. Even she said that she impressed herself!

Morning everyone. I'm starting to feel like or of those cat lovers door mats that say HELP! This is my 88th day of me! It wouldn't be so flipping bad if I could get outside and play in the dirt. But one word keeps popping up on the 7 day forecast..RAIN!:hit
Plant some seeds in pots maybe?
I did that @CapricornFarm. Got 'maters and squash starting to come up. DH felled a red cedar for me two days ago. The one foot circumference trunk will help be part of my terrace retaining wall. Too wet. Also have plans for two above ground beds....too wet.....

I got a question for y'all. Can I safely use cedar boughs for shade screens in my run this summer? I know cedar fumes are bad for chickens lungs but will that carry over outside? Harvesting cedars and will have lots of branches that I can make shade screens for the birds with...IF they won't hurt them.
I did that @CapricornFarm. Got 'maters and squash starting to come up. DH felled a red cedar for me two days ago. The one foot circumference trunk will help be part of my terrace retaining wall. Too wet. Also have plans for two above ground beds....too wet.....

I got a question for y'all. Can I safely use cedar boughs for shade screens in my run this summer? I know cedar fumes are bad for chickens lungs but will that carry over outside? Harvesting cedars and will have lots of branches that I can make shade screens for the birds with...IF they won't hurt them.
I doubt they would be an issue, I have a coop with cedar siding.
Start some flowers for eye candy!
@microchick really the only thing that hurt was the HUGE shot of lidocaine they gave me. It hurt a lot. Setting the bone (only one was slightly out of place) was painless. I was surprised at how little the break hurt. I actually started hiking again, got about ten steps then decided it was probably a bad idea if my wrist was really broken. I had two and a half miles back to the car over rocky terrain. Glad smarter angels prevailed that day. I had to get my dogs home before going to the hospital! ;-)
Good morning old folks luckily have broke no bones in my last two falls
both in our kitchen not something I like to do allot of ... skinned knees is the worst of my
injury .. We had leftovers last night was gonna make pizza BF is diabetic at 5 he needed food usually have dinner in like 1/2 an hour :he does not normally do that so our plan changed a bit otherwise we will go pickup mail here in town 4 country blocks
Funny for the day....


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