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How about pure laziness we have raised a generation that want it handed on gold plate
But then I'd have to chime in and ask the question, "Who allowed those particular individuals to get this way?" I believe I'd point the finger to my generation; there are many who have dropped the ball. But I'd also have to question that the parents of my peers dropped the ball as well because they didn't instill a good work ethic in my fellow peers. There were fellow classmates who had little clue about working when I was a teenager.

Now the kids of my peers have little clue what should be expected of them. I'm not sure why people started believing that their kids should help out and learn to work from day one. :idunno(Perhaps I'm just getting old and crotchety) :lau

But in contrast to what I've posted above, I know many upstanding young individuals the boy's age and younger who have been working for years already. They have a good moral compass and are a huge credit to society. Thankfully I know more good kids than entitled kids. :yesss:

Hello everyone!:frow It's nice to be back. :love
But then I'd have to chime in and ask the question, "Who allowed those particular individuals to get this way?" I believe I'd point the finger to my generation; there are many who have dropped the ball. But I'd also have to question that the parents of my peers dropped the ball as well because they didn't instill a good work ethic in my fellow peers. There were fellow classmates who had little clue about working when I was a teenager.

Now the kids of my peers have little clue what should be expected of them. I'm not sure why people started believing that their kids should help out and learn to work from day one. :idunno(Perhaps I'm just getting old and crotchety) :lau

But in contrast to what I've posted above, I know many upstanding young individuals the boy's age and younger who have been working for years already. They have a good moral compass and are a huge credit to society. Thankfully I know more good kids than entitled kids. :yesss:

Hello everyone!:frow It's nice to be back. :love
Ooo I so missed you Wicked....

But then I'd have to chime in and ask the question, "Who allowed those particular individuals to get this way?" I believe I'd point the finger to my generation; there are many who have dropped the ball. But I'd also have to question that the parents of my peers dropped the ball as well because they didn't instill a good work ethic in my fellow peers. There were fellow classmates who had little clue about working when I was a teenager.

Now the kids of my peers have little clue what should be expected of them. I'm not sure why people started believing that their kids should help out and learn to work from day one. :idunno(Perhaps I'm just getting old and crotchety) :lau

But in contrast to what I've posted above, I know many upstanding young individuals the boy's age and younger who have been working for years already. They have a good moral compass and are a huge credit to society. Thankfully I know more good kids than entitled kids. :yesss:

Hello everyone!:frow It's nice to be back. :love
That is the problem with Generational Characteristics for sure.

My DDs are very independent and can take care of themselves very well. Some in my Mom's Generation are not good at house keeping either. One of my Aunts always kept a very messy place
That is the problem with Generational Characteristics for sure.

My DDs are very independent and can take care of themselves very well. Some in my Mom's Generation are not good at house keeping either. One of my Aunts always kept a very messy place
Somehow I'm not surprised that your DD's are independent and able to take care of themselves well. ;) That's very commendable! I imagine you rest easier knowing that.

I think we did ok with the "young man" (now that he's officially graduated) I see a couple of things I should maybe have made more of a point with him. However, he's also very independent and has been for a while. I rest easy knowing if something was to happen to us now...he would be fine, farm and all. He's a stronger individual than I've EVER been and secure in himself. :bow He's money wise, well organized and after working with him since graduation...I dare say he will be a better livestock person than both of us. I was worried he would lack passion for the livestock...but he has an excellent eye with a compassionate soul and he's right in there. :love

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