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Up for the day here.

SCG IF you ever get decent spring weather ,you could let her come out with you,when caring for the others . She might show signs of wanting to be with them. Did she have any special friends in the coop before?

Oh she's going back out as soon as it warms back up. She's never had friend friends and was a terror... Top of the pecking order even above the giant Tom.
And she's in the basement so not really a house chicken, a basement brooder chicken I guess .

Goodnight ladies... I just drug my butt out of bed cause I couldn't sleep. Tossing and turning and having to mouth breath which is drying my mouth out :( My mind and body seem to be going in different directions... want to sleep, but "feel like" I'm missing something... supposed to be doing something...:idunno Guess I can spend the night in the recliner... spend most days there and at least I can breath easier/better.
Are you short of breath only when you lay down?
I'm assuming they also wear goggles and helmets.
We made them buy quality helmets which have visors. They have to wear those to get on the machine even if they are only riding it for 5 feet.

We are crazy strict about that...and the kids have been good at following the rule.
Handlebars/windscreens/tree limbs/etc stuck inside rib cages is never a good thing... Yeah, protective vest is a good investment for sure! Where is your 15 yo son getting all this money for a trailer and machines? But then, I always seemed to "find money" when I needed it as a kid. Wish I could still do that today... I seem to have forgotten how. :hmm

He has money because he doesn't have to pay feed bills, rent, insurance, food, yada, yada yada!

But kid 3 talked spouse into shelling out for the trailer, such a good deal, etc. etc. And kid 3 is already starting his eagle scout project. He is fixing up a remote cabin for a non profit that will use the cabin for Alaska youth activities. You can't get there from our house.... have to trailer the machines to the trail head.

See why the begging worked? :lau

His first machine was a complete non functional machine we were given. It sat on the property for 2 years.... In a fit of stupidity and a desire to get rid of the junk, I told kid 3 if he made the junker work I would buy him a 4 wheeler.

He made it work in less than a month.

He impressed his scout master so much with how hard he works in general that the scout master gave him a job. He works about 10 hours a week at the guy's heavy equipment repair shop and is in heaven. .. and so spent some of the money he made (I am making him put half into his retirement account I set up).
Are you short of breath only when you lay down?
I'm not short of breath, vertical or prone... The problem is my sinuses and nasal passages are so messed up that if I lay down they're almost guaranteed to close completely in minutes without using Afrin. I've been trying really diligently to get off the Afrin, but it doesn't look like that's gonna be a near term success. Once my sinuses shut, I become a mouth breather and then my mouth dries out and turns to a desert. Then I can't sleep as my tongue is glued somewhere in there depending on how I'm laying. It sucks.

Damn Al... sounds to me like you've been danged successful with #1, 2 & 3! You should be very happy, proud, pleased, etc. Everyone should have kids like yours.
Don't get me wrong, I'm overjoyed at her continued life, it's just now I can't put her back outside because I'm terrified she's going to die.
And that's how a house chicken was born.
Does Ripley leave Miss Piggy alone?

Do all 15 year old boys roll around in the snow when it is dark, after supper, and below freezing to work on a snow machine trying to get it up and running?

Only if they have a date that night and need the sled.

But then, I always seemed to "find money" when I needed it as a kid. Wish I could still do that today... I seem to have forgotten how. :hmm
Lemonade stand out on the road?

In a fit of stupidity and a desire to get rid of the junk, I told kid 3 if he made the junker work I would buy him a 4 wheeler.

He made it work in less than a month.
Where there is a will there is a way. Boy did you give him some incentive!

I agree, you have some industrious boys there.
Miss Piggy is in the garage/basement in a lidded brooder box. Ripley goes down there (she helps fill the stove) but just sniffs at it then leaves. Miss Piggy could take her. Ripley is terrified of the cats.
LS - have you tried fluticasone (Flonase) to help you get off the Afrin? Afrin definitely causes rebound stuffiness after only 3 days of use, the fluticasone could help keep things to a dull roar until you wean.
I have tried the flonase, nasacort, and a few other things... none of them worked. Have seriously been considering buying that Navage thing:
Just seems like spending $80.00 for something that may or may not work is a little pricey...

ETA: Then I watch this and think awwww HELL NO!
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