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Huh? I have never seen, let alone tasted a kumquat. What do they taste like? Are they sweet? Comparable to any common fruit?
they look like a teeny oranges... inside and out. The peel is sweet the inside is sour like a mild lemon. I chew em up seeds and all....

I would imagine they would make great Marmalade.

I love Chef John....
Meiwa are about an inch in size and taste like a sweet tangerine. But like Bunnylady said the seeds my or may not produce identical fruit.

Huh? I have never seen, let alone tasted a kumquat. What do they taste like? Are they sweet? Comparable to any common fruit?
This is one we cut the seeds out of.
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Gray, wet day here. Was originally forecast to start later this afternoon and go through the night with potential for severe weather. I'm at the SW end of it and the worst is supposed to cover AR. Had hoped to continue working on my goat mansion but not happenin' Looks like I get a day of rest instead. Next couple of days are supposed to be pretty decent though.

Hope y'all have a fantastic Friday!
. The peel is sweet the inside is sour like a mild lemon.

Deb the Meiwa is sweet inside and out.

Just how they taste depends on the cultivar. Because you eat them peel and all, the dominant flavor is limonene, of course, but some are sweeter and others more tangy. How and where they are grown plays into the mix, too.
I bet those kumquats would make excellent marmalade - The Sheriff has a heavenly Meyer lemon marmalade recipe on her blog, maybe it could be adapted

I like your Avatar, Diva

While my memory foam pillow does not impress much, feels thin, cold and hard, I sleep better with it than with any other pillow I've tried :idunno. A friend that stayed at my house overnight called back to ask what kind it was, as she liked it too.

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