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And on a lighter note....
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Technology - the great spreader of information and misinformation.

So true. After a lot of research, much of what the anti-vaxers accept as true, is not. I'm not saying there isn't a very small percentage of people that are at risk of a negative reaction. There is. In comparison to many other things, the risk is less likely. They forget the risks involved with whatever the vaccine is to prevent too. They make it sound like all measles, mumps, chicken pox, etc., are as harmless as a minor common cold, which is far from the truth. Most of the vaccines HAVE been time tested. Much of the original information that was used to begin the anti-vaxer campaign, has already been debunked, yet the misinformation is still out there.

On the subject of flu shots, again there is a lot of misinformation. The first bit of misinformation is there is a difference between flu, and influenza. They are one, and the same. We've shortened the word influenza, to flu. Next, is that getting a flu shot will protect me from getting the flu. Not exactly.

There are a multitude of types of flu. Most of them are fairly mild, and the vast majority of the population can recover from them fairly quickly. Protection from these minor types of flu are not included in the flu shots. There are, however, several strains of flu that are not mild, but are much more dangerous. The vast majority will not have strong enough immune systems to fight it off. The symptoms can be devastating. The results can be serious, even deadly. Those are the ones that are targeted in flu shots. Each year, several of the worst strains, that are most likely to hit the population, are used in the flu shots.

Can you get a minor case of the flu from the flu shot? Yes. Most people don't get a minor case of the flu after the shot, but a few do. It should be very minor though. Can you still get the flu after getting the flu shot. Yes. Most people don't, but again, if you do get one of the strains covered in the shot, it will be a mild case. So why get the flu shot, if it's not going to prevent a person from getting the flu? Because catching any of the serious flu types full strength, full impact, without the benefit of the shot, the symptoms are extremely severe, even deadly. Aren't the flu shots dangerous? The risks are higher with getting the flu, than with getting the shots. What about long term dangers? Most of the vaccines in the flu shots have been being used for over 15, with little change. Don't they put mercury in the flu shots, and vaccines? Not exactly. Do the research. It's a harmless derivative from mercury, not mercury itself. That makes a big difference. For example, sodium, and chloride alone, are very toxic, even deadly. Combined, they form common table salt. Altering toxic substances can render them harmless. Altering harmless substances can render them toxic. The point is, they are not adding unaltered mercury.

The numbers of people that die from these types of influenza, are high. The numbers of people that suffered death, or long-term effects from childhood illnesses were very high. Don't become a death statistic, when there is a time tested, shot to prevent it. It's that simple.
Hi everyone!
Dh and I ate our first kumquat's this morning off our tree. They were so sweet and juicy and full of seeds! Yahoo! I already put them in a damp paper towel on top of the water heater closet to sprout!
1st kumquats ripe 11-28-18 full of seeds.jpg

1st Kumquat seeds to sprout 11-28-18.jpg

12 seeds out of two Meiwa Kumquats! One seed was cut in half and one was under developed but the rest should sprout. Dh had never tasted one before and he really likes them.
Ron is right, a study done on Internet searches for medical information found that 70% of the information obtained was either false or misleading. You have to be very certain that the source is reputable, not just an antivacc or pro supplement site that may have financial or other reasons for spreading misinformation.

Those kumquats look delicious.

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