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love banana splits as a meal :bun:yesss:
Once a year or so, DH and I will go to DQ and split a banana split. One dish, two spoons. He eats the strawberry part, I eat the chocolate part and we split the bananas and pineapple.

My DIL does not get flu shots for the grandkids. Bella has a fever of 102.2°, and a cough. :rant :mad: :he
My neither of my DILs do, either. The one explained her reason this way: since the shot is different every year, there is no way to determine the long term effects of it on little ones. I can see her point. My DS is student teaching this semester, so he has gotten the flu shot, hoping to avoid bringing it home. My other DS with a kid is a paramedic. He also gets the shot. I also got it this year as my mom has been recently diagnosed with breast cancer and will likely need chemo. I work in our local Petri dish... er, school, so I want to avoid exposing her (or my step-dad who has lung issues) unnecessarily. Honestly, I don't have strong feelings toward or against the flu shot. It seems every year they guess wrong and it's not effective for the particular virus going around that year anyway.

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