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Morning all well company has left now last night was good ate late enough my friend spent the night her dog crapped on a ancient piece of carpet we had in there no loss it will go the dump next time.... We are going to the Tavern for dinner tonight ... dinner went well we had Ham kept the ham bone ham and bean soup soon
Sounds like a "special" send off!

I will likely have left overs tonight. I am thinking about tuna gravy over rolls for tomorrow though.
No leftovers here, so I am going to have to buy a turkey of my own. We're celebrating Christmas with the family in two weeks (I need to get shopping!), so I will have turkey then. There were plenty of leftovers at the church yesterday, but I didn't want to seem greedy, so only took a little bit. DH just polished them off...

Having a great time with Grandson today. We went out and let the "chick-chicks" out, met the horses (they were more interested in him than he was in them), and played "Pow-pow" with the dog (shooting tennis balls with the ball launcher). He went down for a nap about 2 hours ago. Grandma got her nap in as well.

I don't go Black Friday shopping. I'd rather avoid all that.
In all seriousness. I'm well stocked up on food. I need to get out in the morning and buy some chicken food. Dogs and cats have food. We haven't had a measurable snow storm in years here so yeah, okay, enough snow to go cross country skiing would be nice. Enough to take the sleds out nicer.

I have leftovers. Trying to get my head wrapped around this diet for gout to see if it does make a difference in the way I feel. Can't depend on Toradol forever. But do Y'all realize how much high fructose corn syrup is in everything! I mean:eek:. Everything I love to eat has it in it. And to make matters worse it says that turkey is very high in purines which is what a person is supposed to avoid if they have gout. Good gawd y'all, I have one and a half turkey's in the freezer and I'm the only one that eats turkey.:he

The diet calls for chicken or salmon preferably chicken dark meat no more than 4 times a week. No high fructose corn syrup no fruits with a high sugar content. It calls for eggs also.

I'm saving my serving of turkey for tonight and ate pumpkin pie for lunch. Okay, it didn't say I couldn't eat it, just couldn't eat the whipped cream!

And I'm not supposed to loose any more weight eating this way.....yeah, right. Now THAT was sarcasm:wee

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