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DH, the dogs, cats, chickens, the house and myself will be the first earthlings to step foot on Mars.
You'll be even MORE special then!

I plan on retiring in two years and 4 months!
And what does DW think of that? ;) Better get a "we exist together" plan started.

You can get a full section in Nevada for around 100K. Streams and Antelope. Some even have off the grid houses on them.
But no water rights most likely. Can't take water from "your" stream.

Which 2 brand name drug patents were lost as a direct result of WWI and the loss of the patents were included in the Treaty of Versailles?
SO MUCH to love about New Mexico. What inspires me every single day is the magnificent sky. So inspirational!
The food is outstanding (don't move here if you cannot stomach chile peppers, though), the cost of living is low, the weather is temperate but 4 seasons, the quality of life is good and the people are friendly. Lots of indoor and outdoor activities. Sadly, our school systems aren't all that great, but if you're empty nesters then not an issue.
C'mon, Ron. You know you want to move here. :)
A Grad student that was graduating out of the program told me that last year too!

I do like the cost of living and the weather sounds much better than here

And if you have a tapeworm, she'll take care of you.

(Dog wasn't feeling well, vet diagnosed tapeworms... off to grammies you go to pass that)

I do a pharmacy related trivia question every week for my staff (they've asked for it) and I'm wondering who knows this week's:
Which 2 brand name drug patents were lost as a direct result of WWI and the loss of the patents were included in the Treaty of Versailles?
Sanka..... sorry my mind is
with this....
SO MUCH to love about New Mexico. What inspires me every single day is the magnificent sky. So inspirational!
The food is outstanding (don't move here if you cannot stomach chile peppers, though), the cost of living is low, the weather is temperate but 4 seasons, the quality of life is good and the people are friendly. Lots of indoor and outdoor activities. Sadly, our school systems aren't all that great, but if you're empty nesters then not an issue.
C'mon, Ron. You know you want to move here. :)
School system in Roswell in the sixties was excellent. I started first grade there. They Taught Reading Writing and Arithmatic... By the time I left the first grade mid year I could sound out any word Write it down. When I went to California in the middle of first grade they thought I was a freaking genius.... I stayed with grandma while mom and dad moved us to Las Vegas. They had to test me to see if I was up to par with the rest of california... Wound up in a special school.

Nevada was like.... Yeah yeah right.... They are all smart. Never mind the fact that I was burning through all the Phonics books. LOL.


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