The Old Folks Home

hey all Kabobs on the grill took like 20 minutes put them together and poof on the grill
spent the day on the move did the blueberry coffee cake, cleaned my coops and cat boxes anything to keep me moving better than making pain worse sitting around
I have chicken spiedies marinating for the grill tonight. Figured it would be a good day to hang out side, warm 40s but dang wind is roaring out there.
Welcome to our group, Room.

deb, so glad you are posting more. You're starting to sound like your old self.

For those going through health issues, It's not welcome news. I hope things get better, fast.

scg, that quilt is adorable.

I too am NOT a fan of any of the greek yogurts. To me, they taste a lot like sour cream with fruit added.
Woke up this morning and said WHAT IS THAT BRIGHTNESS OUTSIDE? NO! WAIT! IT's THE SUN!:weeIt's kind of like that old "Camp Granada" Or Hello Mudder Hello Father song.

Missouri is a miserable mud slogged, cold gloomy place. No sun, no warmth oh wait, the sun is out. Birds are singing, never mind!

I actually house broke our border collie using the 'door bell' method, or rather she house broke herself that way. She was a hard nut to crack when it came to house breaking. Badly abused when she was dumped on our street, if you even yelled at her she would turn into a traumatized mess so all I could do was gently scold her and take her outside when an accident happened. She loved being outside and discovered over the Christmas holiday that she could nose the bells hanging on the back door and I would open the door for her. Bingo, the light bulb switched on. She is 14 years old now and will still ring that bell, sometimes to the point that we have to take them down from the door.

Yep we are well trained also.

Did bacon sandwiches for breakfast. Need to get out and work on the coops this morning since the sun is out.

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