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Keep up fluids, vitamins and electrolytes. Chocolate is important for morale, have some!
Chocolate. I sure like that thought! eating-chocolate-bunny.gif
You can use the ground ginger. Just pour a cup of boiling hot water into a cup with 1/4 tsp of ground ginger in it. Let it steep until it's cool enough to drink, then strain the liquid through a coffee filter, add honey or sugar and drink.

So sorry to hear that your MIL broke her hip, Wicked. Hope she has a speedy recovery.

Always a good time when baby animals show up!
Try raw honey. Don't know if it works but heard it's good stuff. And you can always lick it off if it doesn't.
I've always wanted to give it a try on a wound but always forget about it for some reason lol.

I was referring to the little dog. I apologize for the :oops:

Thank you to everyone for your thoughts. I hope everyone who's feeling under the weather gets feeling better. :hugs I hope everything goes well for you as you mend @perchie.girl :hugs

I'm very glad that there was discussion about the flu shots and flu. We got our shots the first clinic there was. There have been lots of people sick. We've gotten rundown with all the craziness here and Dh is feeling under the weather. But it's not the flu. It sounds like many people are being hospitilized. A few days of good rest should have us back at it. We've got the selected heifers picked and the calves shipped, the cull cows shipped, the loads of canola out, Dh to his appointments, his medication reduced and him on course.

Dh's mom tripped and broke her hip a week and a half ago. We've gotten everything rented and adapted so she can function at home and maximum homecare to start out with. We're getting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Calving will be right around the corner. :)

good lord of mercy here is my thoughts all going out for you
You can use the ground ginger. Just pour a cup of boiling hot water into a cup with 1/4 tsp of ground ginger in it. Let it steep until it's cool enough to drink, then strain the liquid through a coffee filter, add honey or sugar and drink.

So sorry to hear that your MIL broke her hip, Wicked. Hope she has a speedy recovery.

Always a good time when baby animals show up!
Um, i don't think we have coffee filters. Not coffee drinkers here. I had some i used to strain milk in TN but i think they got lost along the way. Thanks for trying though.
Also for nausea. Ginger tea with honey. Ginger is a great settling substance for the human GI tract. Earlier this winter I had that persistant Norovirus that was going around. That was the only thing that gave me any relief. I had ginger with lemon tea and lived on it for fluids for about three days.
I drink Switzel, it's an old timey electrolite. Basically, 1/3 cup of honey (or molasses or sugar), 1/3 cup rar ACV (your electrolite), and ginger, you can use fresh or ground. Mix all of that up with about 1 quart of water and drink. It takes a few days to go bad at room temp so you don't have to worry about having to keep walking to the fridge.

Don't have ginger tea but i do have powdered ginger.
You can make Switzel with it.

DH has his last round of Skin Cancer surgery. Poor guy. They just keep whittling off little pieces of him from his head, face neck and back. Thankfully the little bits and pieces seem to be growing back with out the bad stuff. He could be a poster child for sun screens. Funny thing is that he slathers himself in them every time he goes out.:confused:
I've actually read that they are finding that to be the case. The old sunscreens were zinc heavy and they left a foggy white coating on the skin that bounced the light away, but did not absorb into the skin. Then they found out how to do the new ones that go on clear but you rub them into their skin and they have about 500 chemicals in them. Seems like the sunscreen has some long lasting effects since people that wear them all the time tend to get skin cancer anyway....

Kind of like deodorant is being linked to breast cancer. Men wear it too, but they don't shave their arm pits so it is going onto hair and healthy skin, women nearly always have some broken skin in their pits due to shaving and ingrown hairs plus the deodorant is right on the skin not suspended above it like in men. The lymph nodes that make up the breasts actually go down into the armpit area so it makes perfect sense that upsetting those nodes would upset the breasts.
Um, i don't think we have coffee filters. Not coffee drinkers here. I had some i used to strain milk in TN but i think they got lost along the way. Thanks for trying though.
Do you ever drink tea made using tea bags? You could carefully open a used one, empty it out and strain through that.
Hi everyone!
Just getting caught up, again.
So sorry to hear about all the illnesses, a little prayer everyone gets better soon.
SCG-beautiful job on the quilting again. I do love your stitching work. Such skill. Also glad you and the pup are still together.

Not much new here. Balmy -20 again this morning so winter has returned. Chooks not happy, puppy not happy, critter momma not thrilled either that's why I'm on my computer. DH not happy so he's come up with an excuse to go into town. Hope he doesn't bring a bug home with him tho the flu has not been a major issue up here. Only thing killing folks up here are crazy snowmobilers. On track to set a new record for snowmobile related deaths this winter. (hitting trees, going thru the ice, running people over, etc.) "Hey bubba! Let's see if we can......." Should probably be the heading on most of the obituaries in the county newspaper.

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