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Yes, the Young Again cat food is pricey but we figure when we broke it down that it was pretty much averaging the monthly cost of insulin and supplies.

OK, I finally got my samples (had to ask twice though they did respond to the first email). Then tonight I was reading their website and under "why free feed" is this:

"You need at least one bowl of food for every cat in the house. The bowl must be 8-10 inches across and about 1 inch deep. A standard 9 inch pie plate you can buy anywhere is perfect. Do not use those cute, little 4 inch cat dishes they sell everywhere.

You must put 2 full 8oz cups of food in each bowl. The bowl must never be allowed to be less than half full at any given time; never. If you have to fill the bowl more than every 3 days then you need more food in the bowl.

Each bowl must be placed around the house so that when a cat is standing at any one bowl they will not be able to see any other cat, at any of the other bowls. Place bowls in different rooms and floors for best results."

Are you doing it this way @microchick ?? We do have 1 bowl per cat now of course and they each have their specific eating location in the dining room and know where THEY eat (of course they don't limit themselves to their own bowls after a bit).
All you folks with flu and dehydration, if you have jello on hand, pick your favorite flavor, regular or sugar free if you are diabetic and mix it with two or three cups of cold water and drink it in sips until the nausea eases off. It won't cure the nausea but it will give you strength and rehydrate you, especially if you are like me and hate the taste of Gatorade or Pedialyte.

Also for nausea. Ginger tea with honey. Ginger is a great settling substance for the human GI tract. Earlier this winter I had that persistant Norovirus that was going around. That was the only thing that gave me any relief. I had ginger with lemon tea and lived on it for fluids for about three days.

I'm holding my breath. I was in town over 48 hours ago and so far so good. We have to go out again on Wednesday. DH has his last round of Skin Cancer surgery. Poor guy. They just keep whittling off little pieces of him from his head, face neck and back. Thankfully the little bits and pieces seem to be growing back with out the bad stuff. He could be a poster child for sun screens. Funny thing is that he slathers himself in them every time he goes out.:confused:
I haven't been sick at all since I started drinking Chaga, and Rieshi tea.
Think I'm ten yrs younger and 300 IQ points smarter also :lol:
I'm going to start some Miatake, Shiitake, Chicken of the woods, and Lions mane this spring. Planned on it last yr but never ordered plugs. Have some oak logs saved out again.
Found another Chaga this deer season, and one heck of a bunch of chicken of the woods last fall. I'm sure I could find Miatake wild just haven't looked hard enough.
OK... mind isn't working... Are you referring to the dog, or the DH here? Or maybe both? :duc:oops: :idunno
I was referring to the little dog. I apologize for the :oops:

Thank you to everyone for your thoughts. I hope everyone who's feeling under the weather gets feeling better. :hugs I hope everything goes well for you as you mend @perchie.girl :hugs

I'm very glad that there was discussion about the flu shots and flu. We got our shots the first clinic there was. There have been lots of people sick. We've gotten rundown with all the craziness here and Dh is feeling under the weather. But it's not the flu. It sounds like many people are being hospitilized. A few days of good rest should have us back at it. We've got the selected heifers picked and the calves shipped, the cull cows shipped, the loads of canola out, Dh to his appointments, his medication reduced and him on course.

Dh's mom tripped and broke her hip a week and a half ago. We've gotten everything rented and adapted so she can function at home and maximum homecare to start out with. We're getting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Calving will be right around the corner. :)

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