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Well the good news is I've been given permission to get more poultry.

The bad news: I've been approved for guinea fowl.

The worse news: Chris has one sided facial paralysis (Bell's Palsy for you medical folk) from severe (what we think is) Lyme's.

This summer can just go away now.

Thats a rattle snake in the middle of the circle.... They are very good for so much more than just tick eradication..

Well the good news is I've been given permission to get more poultry.

The bad news: I've been approved for guinea fowl.

The worse news: Chris has one sided facial paralysis (Bell's Palsy for you medical folk) from severe (what we think is) Lyme's.

This summer can just go away now.

Sorry to hear about Chris having Lymes. Can be insideous. My kids get it over and over. I get suspicious when they run a fever or feel off. If they dont recover in 10-14 days, time to test. Had a horse with it manifesting as a slight lameness in one ankle. My vet totally missed it and he was a lameness specialist. Another vet diagnosed it. Can be hard to know when to test , . . . praying for a good recovery.
Wow the conversations I walk into... breathalyzer and mario cart

Yup, that happens here!

At one time, I had 35 guineas and saw this in my field on a slightly smaller scale. I looked out and saw this ring of guineas moving slowly across the ground. I sent one of my DSs to see what was going on. He came back and said they had escorted the snake across the field and into the creek. They only gave up and came back when the snake disappeared into a hole in the bank.

The other funny thing I saw was them running around in tight circles, looking up, screaming their heads off, all the while moving as a group across the front yard. I stepped out onto the front porch to see an Alabama Eagle (buzzard) floating on thermals overhead.

SCG.........guess what I got in the mail today.......
and I found a faire a couple of hours away on October 24th! I think he and I will go without the other boys, it's his thing and he and I need some one on one time.
At one time, I had 35 guineas and saw this in my field on a slightly smaller scale. I looked out and saw this ring of guineas moving slowly across the ground. I sent one of my DSs to see what was going on. He came back and said they had escorted the snake across the field and into the creek. They only gave up and came back when the snake disappeared into a hole in the bank.

The other funny thing I saw was them running around in tight circles, looking up, screaming their heads off, all the while moving as a group across the front yard. I stepped out onto the front porch to see an Alabama Eagle (buzzard) floating on thermals overhead.

SCG.........guess what I got in the mail today.......
and I found a faire a couple of hours away on October 24th! I think he and I will go without the other boys, it's his thing and he and I need some one on one time.

Yep they identify the danger and "escort" it out of harms way... I had five do the very same thing to a full grown Coyote....

I haven't opened it yet, I've been slammed at work.

It's safe in it's box and may stay there until next week when I will have time to examine it and adequately appreciate it. I'm sure I will want to get it out and iron it and hang it up as soon as I open it and then "someone" will see it for sure.

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