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Kind of standard for up here, "ring of fire" and all. It has been a while since we have had a bog volcanic explosion... So we are probably due for one.
How many? Do they all have the spots?
Princess only had the one. Piglet had five last night and Little Bear is building a nest now. We think that Ariel is also pregnant.

Piglet and her piglets.

Now we are scrambling to get their barn built.
I just spent about 45 minutes outside tending to my garden. So far today I've harvested 3 adult squash bugs, about 40,000 squash bug eggs, 30,000 squash bug nymphs, 1 tomato horn worm, 12 cucumber beetles and 1 yellow squash fruit.

I love summer.
That's the funniest thing I've heard one squash and all those bugs.OK so the main reason that I'm posting today is because I just wanted to brag about my egg basket I have. I'm not really bragging I'm just thrilled ,and one of my chickens I sure it's my Buff Orpington laid me the hugest egg. She always lays me nice big egg. Every once in a while she will lay a huge egg like the one in the picture.I have gotten so used to looking at pullet eggs the last three weeks that this one really thrilled me. Another nice thing is I've been getting anywhere from 10 to 13 a day instead of 6, 7 or less.


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