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I remember. And you don't want to be on PCH when it is raining for the second day. 

They got it tamed down now a bit....  with those traffic circle things....  Woe be it back in the day to be a pedestrian along Pacific Coast Highway...

It is also called the California State Rout 1

during good weather its a marvelous drive after San Onofre...  It covers the whole coast of California....  If anyone wants to see California its an awesome drive.

Technically it goes from Mexico to Canada but parts have been absorbed by either city or freeway.  I been as far as Sanfrancisco on it.


It is quite a drive with beautiful scenery. I have driven most of it at different times. The most amazing thing to me was when I was Southbound south of Mendocino I rounded a bend and there were cattle guards across the highway with cattle graazing all of the out to the cliff that dropped onto the Pacific.

I can't even imaging cruising along PCH and running into cows everywhere! WOW!

At that point the PCH is a winding 2 lane road along the cliffs that look out over the Pacific.
Here are a few more from our hikes. The top few are Kanarra Falls. They are near the north west section of Zion.

I been to Zion twice... once as a kid with my grandparents and once with my own son... Both times I was unable to do any hiking. I would LOVE to see some of those canyons...

I will have to do vicariously with these wonderful pictures.

could you have had an alergic reaction to something? maybe?


That is so interesting that you say that. I had peanuts that night. But having said that, I have had this same thing happen three different times now, yrs. apart. I've had it happen mildly, didn't go into the hospital. No peanuts then. Need that Endoscopy, if nothing else, to rule that out. Not having a sphincter at the top of my tummy has probably caused a lot of problems by now.
Well you are in good hands I am certain....
Thank you guys! And gals. :) Oz is right on how quick this hospital was. They didn't have us fill out papers first..I went back right now. Took every word I had to say serious. Saw that I was throwing PVC's and my heart was pausing also. The ER physician call my dr. and they both said , yes, keep her to do tests. Glad I had that ruled out, just need to know what's going on now. I really don't like enigmas. :/ Especially with health problems.

DiDi, those photos are just beautiful! Have to ask, did it rain while you were there? We sure have gotten a lot of rain here. Hope you two had a great time out there. Those photos look like they could look great in a calender.

My word chickadoodles! That had to be horrible to go through with a sick child at that! Taking it that everything turned out ok for him, and now...did you get your home repaired..did you move? Maybe you already said..I missed it?
Please keep us updated on what the find. I will keep you in my prayers.

My son is fine. We moved back to Alabama and started over.

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