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. . . and suddenly, I'm hearing Billy Joel in my head . . .

Well hopefully we will not see those kids back again. DH went down and had a chat with the parents (I wasn't fit to go, trust me). I do believe the dad may have "explained" to them why what they did was wrong after he left. In fact when DH told the dad that he was going to electrify the pen the dad told DH to give them a spank if we ever caught them in the pen again. While that is tempting, I don't think I would really do that. I am hoping they got a "come to Jesus" session with dad and won't come back. I did get a chuckle out of one of their girls saying something about which boy had been breaking the eggs. Hmmmmm, that might explain the pink child sized glove in the pen from the other day. Hopefully she will see what her brother gets and won't be back either. The boys just said they were breaking the eggs to see the babies inside. I did explain to them that there weren't any babies because they just killed them by breaking the eggs. Yes I was brutally honest with them but maybe that will also help make an impression.

Be glad that this was stopped now . . . . this little lesson learned as a child will help these children become responsible adults in the years to come. It takes a village . . . .
Shared this on a couple of other threads.. Our humble abode. There's dad mowing the lawn for the first time. If you look close at the front door, you will see our two little dogs watching me. Despite the cold and icicles we got last week, my tulips popped up, and so did the flowering bush, which for the life of me I can't remember the name of. We are in a neighborhood, that is why you keep hearing, wish I had more land! :) We are actually pretty happy here, all settled in for the final yrs.
Beautiful place. Nice flowers too. Is the bush a kind of Azelea? It's pretty.
I have these bulbs that come up every year but never produce flowers. Anyone know why? -Kathy
Tulips also need cold to make them bloom - I think. If you have a temperate climate, they might not work there.
What are they? We have several large patches of daffadils that come up every year since we moved here and they don't flower. I'm thinking they're super old and to congested, to thick. I've been thinking of digging them up and spreading them out.?
Spread them out and give them fertilizer. I would do it in the fall but you will probably need to mark where they are. You are supposed to allow the leaves to die back on their own before you cut them. It helps the bulb gain "energy" or something.
Im usually on my phone on the mobile version. I just looked on desktop. It says "Bamadude is a pillar of our community". They spelled pillow wrong
:lau "pillow" :gig
you can trick bulbs that need a freeze by popping them in the refrigerator for x amount of hours.... then planting. Its been a very long time since I worked in the nursery. But one of San Diegos cash crops is flowers Bulbs need phosphorus. Bone Meal is a great source. So if you are in a warm climate where the soil doesnt dip below 55 degrees for a long enough amount of time.... you have to dig them up and chill them down deb
Thought you raised up your girls better than to want to hang out with the boys from the wrong side of the fence?

There may be a shortage of wild hens, there seems to be a lot of toms running around trying to steal the domesticated hens. I have read on several threads lately that wild toms are showing up and trying to lure then hens off.

I have a BR hen that has been sitting in the corner of her pen sulking and not doing anything but crying. I think she must be hearing wild toms. They are hunting turkey across 80 not far from our place.
Bridges around here are often pretty long, and they build 'em high, too, to accommodate boat traffic. I have a thing about heights anyway, but I really, really don't like bridges. I knew this curvaceous charmer from my childhood: This delightful pair used to stand near Charleston, SC. I got to drive over them going to Savannah, Ga to visit family. Major white-knuckle experience: This may be the most famous "bridge" in North Carolina - the Linn Cove Viaduct on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Riding it on a bicycle is an experience that I will never forget: (not my pictures) Excuse me now. I need to go breathe into a paper bag to stop hyperventilating . . . . .
You need to take the bridge from St. Petersburg to Bradenton Florida.
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Yup, we had a tom hanging around for a number of weeks, but our girls are not leaving with him. THis is home. lol THe other toms tolerated him and let him mingle. Then he was gone as quietly as he arrived. Now, a couple weeks later a hen showed up for a day. . .. and gone again.

My property abutts state land maintained for hunting, and all the wild animals. A wonderful area with a river, pine forest and hardwood forest and lots of open area under the canopy for the deer to walk thru. A great diversity of animals have stopped by over the years.

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