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Working in ICU and then cardiac care has opened my eyes to locations of tattoos and implants. A "W" on each butt cheek to spell WOW was one of my faves.

Nothing like a couple of hard lumps of silicone under the skin of an eighty year old's chest wall when you are doing CPR
For what its worth I love tattoos.... but I wonder what they will look like when the person reaches my age where things tend to migrate.... down...

I been known to complement Hells Angles while in the line at the grocery store.. With little things like... Oh my that mush have hurt... Cobweb on the elbow... I am always greeted by a grin and a whole hearted agreement and conversation. My son is mortified .... I usually say What? Hey people get tattoos to get noticed....

But the deal is they are permanent.... and care should be made that they are done with artistry. So I am a fan of Henna Tattoos... I always wanted a kit to experiment. They wear off after about a week.

Mom pierced my ears when I was about nine. Sewing needle and cork.... and some nylon thread. knotted in a loop and the knot kissed with her cigarette so it wouldn't come un-done.

Back when multiple piercings along the ear first became popular I went to the Fair and got a second set done with one of those piercing guns... Two sets both have closed up over the past twenty years. I think I can get earrings in the originals with a little grimmacing and some alcohol.

I do want a single tattoo of a flower placed where I can see it... Just very crisp lines and some shading. Then I can shade it myself with Eyeshadow and a sprits of hairspray to keep the colors from rubbing off on clothes.

I love hearing tattoo stories, I was so against them for so long until I learned people's stories behind them.

I too have double pierced ears, still open - but upper sets usually get infected so only wear singles.

I love henna, I want to get a kit too.


I am so sorry.

I lost my parents 9 days apart after caring for them for 12 years. Losing a loved one is so difficult.

One thing for us old folks to watch out for is tattoos and diabetes. The color has to be refreshed in a tattoo every couple of years because it fades so if you come down with diabetes as you get older, it is a bad thing. Diabetics are not supposed to have tattoos. Poor healing and all that junk.

good to know Ron. I didn't know this. This is my new thing I learned on BYC for today.

Just before I went to bootcamp I had a tattoo done on my big toe. I figured if I died I would get the last laugh when they put the toe tag on.
Have 'FDA Inspected And Approved' on my big toe, like on meat. Yeah I was inebriated when I had it done, but at least it is where no one can see it.
That's hilarious!
My mailman of several years opted for an inside job at the PO. His arms from shoulder to his hands are covered with garish tattoos, he has piercings and ever present pony tail.
At first I couldn't stand to look at him but, mellowed over the years - now I don't notice at all. But the neighbors comment on him when they use the PO.and think he is a freak. He isn't a young person anymore but I'm sure he gets more tats when he finds space for them.

Funny but, now he is a person to me and we talk about his family. He married a divorced women with young kids, and I've heard he is a great husband and father. I've learned his "trappings," are not evidence of a certain kind of personality. He is soft spoken, very emphatic, and smart. Yeah he does ride a motorcycle but, doesn't have whips, chains, or use drugs. He does smoke but, that doesn't affect me. He has a name and I always address him by that, not by some label.
My mailman of several years opted for an inside job at the PO. His arms from shoulder to his hands are covered with garish tattoos, he has piercings and ever present pony tail.
At first I couldn't stand to look at him but, mellowed over the years - now I don't notice at all. But the neighbors comment on him when they use the PO.and think he is a freak. He isn't a young person anymore but I'm sure he gets more tats when he finds space for them.

Funny but, now he is a person to me and we talk about his family. He married a divorced women with young kids, and I've heard he is a great husband and father. I've learned his "trappings," are not evidence of a certain kind of personality. He is soft spoken, very emphatic, and smart. Yeah he does ride a motorcycle but, doesn't have whips, chains, or use drugs. He does smoke but, that doesn't affect me. He has a name and I always address him by that, not by some label.
What a lovely observation, Diva.

I think "tattooed freaks" are the ultimate test of don't judge a book by its cover. Being a freak for other reasons myself, I love learning people's stories of what makes them who they have become, good or bad.
One thing for us old folks to watch out for is tattoos and diabetes. The color has to be refreshed in a tattoo every couple of years because it fades so if you come down with diabetes as you get older, it is a bad thing. Diabetics are not supposed to have tattoos. Poor healing and all that junk.

They do fade. When my DH was in the Navy he got a tattoo of a red anchor by Lyle Tuttle (famous tattoo artist back in the day in San Francisco). Well, several decades (heck, several score) later he wants to get it freshened up a bit. Nope. No legitimate tattoo artist will touch would be like defacing a masterpiece. So DH is stuck with a pink anchor....

Many stories about tatts. I have one friend who flew choppers in Nam. Saw a lot of horrific things. He coped with the pain by getting tattoos, full arms both sides, then chest and back. You wouldn't know it unless he wore a T-shirt. The guy is decent as the day is long.

DH loves getting tattoos. I have one, but kept it hidden from the family until after Mom had passed. She, being the proper Victorian that she was, truly would've disinherited me. The first time DH was helping me do yardwork at Mom's house (I put in her veggie garden every year) she came out and just stared at the tatts. She went inside and soon Dad came out. Then I heard the conversation: "Well, he's a sailor, Dear. That's what they do...."

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