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I just heard about robin williams too. Dang. Cant understand having it so bad that i would take my own life...

It has been my unfortunate experience that it is more often the person who seems to have the world by the tail, than the one seeming depressed, who will take his or her own life. No trend is absolute, but most of the people I've known who have killed themselves seemed to people who knew them pretty well to be fine, happy, successful. One, I knew in my heart was not so, based on conversations I'd had with him previous to his move to a different state, but a person who doesn't want to be helped, cannot be. Saddest is that those left behind spend lifetimes believing they could have prevented the suicide, and it simply isn't so.

Off this sad topic.

Anyone here hatch quail intended for release? I am trying to figure out what age is safe for release if I do this.
Quote: I'm late to this thread and need some bkgrnd info. so you live on an island between So Cal and the Philipines? And this island is part of the Philipines as the kids live with you even tho' the adoption is not final yet? And you are Americans, soon to come back to the US? And your kids are brilliant. But having to study Chinese even before elementary school doesn't sound like any country I know. ( I did nor italicize on purpose.) : )
Oz, your family sounds wonderful! Your son sounds a lot like my grandson. I understand the nap portion of the day. My grandchildren can wear this grandma out! When you mentioned smelling them, I had to laugh. Even after my daughter went to college, when I would go visit her, I would swipe one of her t-shirts, or her pillow case, and bring it home so I could smell her. What I didn't know for a long time, is she was doing the same thing. When she would miss me, she would smell my t-shirt she had swiped.
getaclue, did you know that the sexiest people are always those that are olfactorially oriented? : ) (oops! "spellcheck" says I've invented a word. Oh well)
Delightful fotos! Thanks for shaing.  Nice garden.  Here in Austin we have silkies and frizzles and the crosses are called "sizzles".  I have 3 frizzles and one silkie but want at least one more to accompany her.  : )

I've been informed it's a bit more complicated than that.
A silkie with the fluffy feathers that are frizzled = frizzled silkie
A silkie with smooth feathers and the frizzle gene is a sizzle.
here's a picture of my sizzle (it came from @rbaker0345 in some hatching eggs)

The investigation is incomplete. It was the worst night of violence in modern St. Louis history. A police officer shot and killed an unarmed 18yr. old in the middle of the day. The initial report was that two teens were walking down the middle of the street in their apartment complex. The officer told them to get to the side of the road and then it's murky from there on. Since Saturday afternoon that description of events hasn't been reported.
The city of Ferguson has turned over the investigation to St. Louis County police.
The FBI and US justice department have arrived to oversee the investigation.
The violence last night lasted 5 hours. I can literally walk to some of the places where it occurred.

St. Louis is unique in that we have 91 incorporated municipalities in St. Louis county which is a separate entity from the city of St. Louis. You can drive down a street and unless you notice the sign, you'll have passed through as many as 10 cities without the sense of a break in the urban or suburban environment. Some of the city's limits include some semi rural or even rural areas.

The really bad thing is that it may have been a white cop and a black teenager. If this is true the mayhem will go on and on.  I sure hope it isn't, for everyone's sake!   : (

Unfortunately, it appears as though not only was this child unarmed, but also running away when he was shot several times.

without all the facts, based only on conjecture, this doesn't necessarily seem as a racially driven crime, so much as a crime of wrath.

we just have to have patience and hope for justice to be served, and the truth to come out.
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I just heard about robin williams too. Dang. Cant understand having it so bad that i would take my own life...
Having spent some time in the "pit of despair" myself, I can understand. Paradoxically, perhaps nobody knows more about tears than a clown.

@Pozees , I don't know if this link will be of any help (being from the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks), but here it is:
Quote: Yeah, and some people got kicked off and others got fed up with the powers that be and left. Tell me ronott1, how does one tell when a chick has cocci if they don't see the bloody poop? I had reddish colored shavings and did not see the bloody poop until it was too late for one chick and the other one that had it, though it survived, developed "failure to thrive" syndrome and I finally put it down because I got tired of waiting for it to die. The other 28 were fine.
Paradoxically, perhaps nobody knows more about tears than a clown.

That is very insightful.....

Better than my "No more nanoo nanoo"
His comedy free-style was like watching a turbo-charged attention-deficitful genius.

I think the world is stunned right now....
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