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Dry incubation is a very misleading name for this method.  It's not DRY, it's lower than 50%.  Keep it around 35%.

Nothing against you CC, I just wanted to be sure people knew because I didn't when I started to try it one time.  Luckily, someone corrected me before my eggs were too badly damaged... thank you Ron.

your welcome!
I've done it again and I feel horrible.

I had an egg in the hatcher that I thought was 24 days old so took it to the compost pile to open and see what was up. It had a live chick in it.
Has that happened to anyone else?

Yes, and I hate there's no going back.

I think it was bedtime already. Or then something else happened.


Love that tractor you posted as well!

the kids out cold at 550am

Brings a tear to my eye. Such complete abandon. They clearly feel safe and loved, what we all want for our kids.
I'm getting to be like bamadude.
I was just partially responsible for a thread getting locked down. Actually, mostly responsible. Probably when I told the OP - shame one you.
I have to say, bamadude, I didn't get banned though.

Nuh-uh, I don't believe for a second you would do that!

I would give up almost anything for a good nights sleep like I used to have as a kid.
No kidding, huh?
Well my server was down for 7 hours, I was so bummed I started cleaning house & basement. When I saw it was back ON, I ran to this site and read every single post-even the troll ones . I think 'he' got spanked by his parents.

Thank goodness the house and basement can stay cluttered for another day.

Come on OZ let's see what you got - photos of jr.troll ! No fair that you have 'connections,' and we don't.

IF you really have connections -find out what trailer park in TN. my ex BF escaped to with his 'sudden wife '- 14 years ago. NO I don't hold a grudge. Just would like to wish him well in several foreign languages.

I am out of ice cream and out of sorts. I'm trying to clean up my act and pass my tests at the doctor next week. Gave up on the loosing 40 lbs. before then, but hope to whip blood sugar and cholesterol

I really thought after all the blessings and miracles in my life already that I might have hit my "quota" . Fortunately it appears I had not hit my credit limit on Grace. First, I had my appointment on Wednesday to my oncologist to check how I was doing with the Leukemia. It is a very long drive and was not happy with taking my sick little Angel on a roadtrip, but there was no choice. Fortunately, she did very well, tho with the fever we had to up the air conditioning to keep her comfortable. Anyway, not only were my tests good, I am still in remission!

Ok, here comes the real miracle part...... I already told you we have a MAJOR roadtrip on Monday to visit my husband's brother before the brain surgery to remove the tumor wrapped around the main artery to his brain. The trip is not optional of course, and our puppy would have to go along no matter what the test results said was wrong with her. We take to the vet this morning to hear the results and........................... it comes.................the eyes so cloudy she could barely see thru are now clear,,,,the mass on the side of her head is gone,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
and all the tests, every one, came back NEGATIVE!!!!

I humbly thank you, Lord.

Wow, double miracle! That's great! May God keep blessing you, and blessing you! :)
Well my server was down for 7 hours, I was so bummed I started cleaning house & basement.    When I saw  it was back ON,  I ran to this site and  read every single post-even the troll ones .  I think  'he' got spanked by his parents.

Thank goodness the house and basement can stay cluttered for another day.

Come on OZ let's see what you got - photos  of jr.troll !  No fair that you have 'connections,' and we don't.

IF you really have connections -find out what trailer park in TN. my ex BF escaped to with his 'sudden wife '- 14 years ago.  NO I don't hold a grudge. Just would like to wish him well in several foreign languages.

I am out of ice cream and out of sorts.  I'm trying to clean up my act and pass my tests at the doctor next week.   Gave up on the loosing 40 lbs. before then, but hope to whip blood sugar and cholesterol  :fl .

The problem with cutting out all goodies, is it tends to make people homicidal! :oops:

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