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Your first? Oh wow, you just wait! You will love, it love it, love it! Congratulations!

Love that first photo..I thought someone had found a pretty photo to share. Well, I guess they was you..but I thought it had been found on the net somewhere. Nice. :)
Well I didn't find it on the net but I did post it on the net. Does that count?
Just to chime in on the apples discussion, we feed apples every afternoon, diced very small, even to the chicks. DH takes care of it during the week and I do weekends. If he exits the house between 3 and 4 in the afternoon, he is like the pied piper of chickens. They also get other treats from time to time, and the other day he gave them some corn on the cob. He said the younger birds who had never seen it were suspicious at first, but just as ChickenCanoe described, all it takes is the bravest to start scarfing and it soon becomes a free-for-all.

I made apple butter a few decades ago with a friend of mine, and it was fabulous.
Quote: I'm sorry your having limb problems also CC. Most of that pasture has large oak trees and they need the shade and I needed to be able to see the coop and pens from the house especially as far as they are from the house. I have huge cracks in the dirt everywhere where the tree limbs are coming up trying to find water I guess.
oz, have to say, what a stalwart couple you have been through it all! So happy that things have settled down and you can enjoy those adorable children.

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