The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

This might be old, but just in case you all haven't seen it...

chicken babies.png
Good morning to All. Double header ball game, but I think we'll watch from home. Temps in the 40's, winds in the mid 20 mph and gusting higher - Galloway, NJ is always windier. I think we'll watch on the net.

Watching the game from home sounds like a lot more comfortable Sour. Good luck to the boys!
Good morning Janie. It has been. I like having him close. He has supper here maybe once a week, sometimes twice. His girlfriend is moving in with him the end of next month. She put in her notice at work last month. She has applied for a couple jobs. I hope she gets one of them. She has a degree in Agriculture Communications and Marketing I believe. We like her and hope she is “the one.”
I guess he thinks she's the one, and his mom obviously likes her. That's about 3/4 of the way there. Good luck to her! I hope she gets the job she wants.
Good morning everyone. Sunny but nippy out today. Need to make my morning rounds and find something constructive to do.
Good morning, LT.
Good morning everyone :frow

I got to sleep in late today...DH and his crew are finally able to get out on the golf course to work at catching up after all this rain we've had so he was out of the house super early. Ahh, so nice to sleep in a quiet house!
Good morning, Debby. I'm the first up, and noisy one here..unless you count cats.

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