The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

morning ron :frow happy new year
they started here last night around the same time but the nice thing about it, they got their butts wet, it rained like it knows how and made me happy, (we have a dog thats terrified of loud noises like that and he sticks to you like Velcro)
It was clear and cold here last night
our son called, his fil passed, and his mil also has pneumonia, shes moving in with them so they can watch her
first person that we've known to die with covid complications , kidney failed
he was a nice person
I am so sorry!

We had a friend die before Christmas so have been touched by covid too
I am so sorry!

We had a friend die before Christmas so have been touched by covid too
before its over ron, we might all have quite a few, people just think they won't get it but if they're not careful they will, our son is as healthy as a horse, works out every day for a couple of hours, watches what he eats and so far he's had it twice, being as he's a cop he's around a lot of sick people, so thankful that he's shaken it off both times
happy 2021--we deserve it!

Happy new year cheepteach!

Happy new year Bob 🥳

Happy 1st of January 2001. To everyone. 🥳

Please let this year improve our world 👃

Happy new year Marie!


Happy new year to you Guys!

Happy new year Ron!

our son called, his fil passed, and his mil also has pneumonia, shes moving in with them so they can watch her
first person that we've known to die with covid complications , kidney failed
he was a nice person

Sorry to hear that Sharron. I hope your son's MIL is better soon.

Good mooooorning everyone :)

Mooooorning Mad, happy new year!

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