The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Good morning folks :frow

:frow Good morning DMC, have a great day

Deb, good to hear from you. Progress is forward progress, keep at it :hugs:hugs

Meg, good to hear from you, sorry about your FIL :hugs:hugs

Cappy, sorry to hear about your FIL :hugs:hugs
On a canning note found out Webstarant has canning supplies. Bulk pectin as well as some Jars that sell for half the price as Amazon. I am sorely tempted.

We lost my father in law two weeks ago, very unexpectedly, and only two days before the cows were headed out.
How are DH and MIL doing?? They must be more affected than anyone else.

Yes. During the summer the kitchen is usually around 70* and in the winter 60*
My oven has a Proof feature. 100°F maybe? My KA Basic sourdough loaf is in there now with just the light on, only about 65°F in the house at the moment. Need to bake a lot or turn the thermostats back on!
Under what conditions should I use the proof feature versus the light versus just letting it sit out when it is warmer in the house?

The truck is full, and yes I had a loader. Hubby's back is worse than mine.
Not good there Cap!! Maybe you need a feed storage bin that is just lower than the bed of the truck. Then you could back up to it, open each bag in turn and let them spill their contents in the bin.
How are DH and MIL doing?? They must be more affected than anyone else.

My oven has a Proof feature. 100°F maybe? My KA Basic sourdough loaf is in there now with just the light on, only about 65°F in the house at the moment. Need to bake a lot or turn the thermostats back on!
Under what conditions should I use the proof feature versus the light versus just letting it sit out when it is warmer in the house?

Not good there Cap!! Maybe you need a feed storage bin that is just lower than the bed of the truck. Then you could back up to it, open each bag in turn and let them spill their contents in the bin.
They are doing okay. Still trying to figure out how to get along with life without him. Thanks for asking :hugs
On a canning note found out Webstarant has canning supplies. Bulk pectin as well as some Jars that sell for half the price as Amazon. I am sorely tempted.

I love webstarant. I do price shop for my canning supplies. I bought a bunch a couple years ago... Local grocery stores put them on sale at the end of the canning season. They were like half off, so I made the rounds buying them up.

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