The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Good morning everyone, ice on the deck this morning, but so far the planters on the front porch look to be okay. It's blustery and cold out there - put my longjohns back on. :old
morning sour :frow
can't say that i blame you for the long johns, snow is drifting down here, kinda looks like when winter first starts
i put out a hummingbird bottle of sugar water last night before dark, i usually put them out in april but forgot, anyway it was half full of ice this morning, so had husband bring it in to warm up and while it was melting back into sugar water, a humming bird came and checked out my last years flower basket, so i hurried up and took the bottle back out, i can't see if the hb came back to drink or not i hope so cause i i know its hungry
Good morning everyone :frow

Sour - I really hope that your dahlias make it. They're my favourite flower. They don't do well here though. Zone 3 is just a bit too harsh for them.
:frow Good morning Michelle, have a great day
Can you not put one in? Is the range on an outside wall so you can vent outdoors?
:frow Good morning Bruce, have a great day

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