The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

I don't even wear a mask to the grocery store let alone outside. If I have to shop on the weekend that's a different story...lots more people in the stores then. No one at the parks have them on.
I don't care who is wearing masks or not. If I am out in public, I wear mine. Saw a girl working in the drug store with a mask down around her neck. Not doing much good there.
Our grocery stores have signs on the windows "NO Mask, No Admittance." Also no re-useable bags allowed into stores. Well there goes my stash of very attractive animal theme burlap bags.

Plus the grocery store has floor signs, for each aisle. Some you must enter from back of aisle,
the next will be from front of aisle. ONE WAY ONLY. and so on. Also carts must be 6 feet apart.
If someone is already shopping in the aisle you are supposed to wait till they depart.:mad:

I didn't notice the signs at first- I don't usually scan the floor when grocery shopping, except for one time when a mouse scurried away. My brother said they'd arrest me. I told him they will never take me alive. If they do kill me I told my brother to sign onto BYC as me (automatically on my computer) to let BYCERS know.
what a sense of humor dd,
so far at our stores you only have to stay 6' to 12' away , have to have the mask but so far husband and i are the only ones to wear throw away gloves but i have noticed, doesn't matter to other people if you're already in the aisle or not, they will push past you like always, thats why we only go once in a while to get fresh produce, when i get the garden going, they can have it
I don't care who is wearing masks or not. If I am out in public, I wear mine. Saw a girl working in the drug store with a mask down around her neck. Not doing much good there.
I understand. My state hasn't been hit like those on the East coast. I just sanitize my hands before I get in the car and scrub up after I put groceries away.
I heard that Sharron. I expected it here but not so far. It kills me to see people wearing the masks over their mouths but not their noses. Makes no sense to me.
yes, and since i wear glasses, i tend to steam them up cause i have a short fat face and little nose:lau but its covered
I understand. My state hasn't been hit like those on the East coast. I just sanitize my hands before I get in the car and scrub up after I put groceries away.
I just have health issues and figure if I get Covid I will likely die. There have not been a lot of cases here, but it only takes one person traveling to the area to spread it. And they shed virus without even coughing or sneezing.
I just have health issues and figure if I get Covid I will likely die. There have not been a lot of cases here, but it only takes one person traveling to the area to spread it. And they shed virus without even coughing or sneezing.
Yup, issues here too. Asthma, etc. When it's my time to die I'm going to die, probably not much I can do about it so I'm not going to worry about it. Stress can kill you too.
I just have health issues and figure if I get Covid I will likely die. There have not been a lot of cases here, but it only takes one person traveling to the area to spread it. And they shed virus without even coughing or sneezing.
particulates last about six hours on surfaces too. So if you handle an object and put it back the next person handles it and puts it back... Easy way to pass it on. to several people. I just started wearing gloves out in public.. and I use hand sanitizer on them as well if its available.

California has had a big hit on Covid. I am at risk so is my son. Hes the one that finally woke me up out of denial. I am trying to wake mom up as well. She finally got a mask given to her by someone in line at the grocery store...

She is very good seamstress and has mentioned that she may make her own. I like the idea of a washable one as well.

Even washable gloves would give you a physical distance from things you touch. They make clean room gloves that are made out of cotton they come in packs of ten or so.

Yup, issues here too. Asthma, etc. When it's my time to die I'm going to die, probably not much I can do about it so I'm not going to worry about it. Stress can kill you too.
Yeah, that will likely do me in. Having been a nurse, I don't mind wearing a mask. I was sad to see all those people in town not wearing masks or keeping their distance. I think there are going to be a lot more deaths before it's over.
Yeah, that will likely do me in. Having been a nurse, I don't mind wearing a mask. I was sad to see all those people in town not wearing masks or keeping their distance. I think there are going to be a lot more deaths before it's over.
I agree Cap. I keep my distance from people anyway, and I do keep a mask with me in case I need it. I'm a very early morning person so I'm usually out to run my errands before most people finish their coffee around here.

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