The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

She’ll be 25 in a few months. I keep telling myself that with her neglected childhood and then being on the streets like she was before we went back there and made her come home again, maybe she’s finally allowing herself to be the adolescent she never got the chance to be. But making excuses for someone else’s behavior can be a slippery slope, too.

I’m not real crazy about Fruitcake Pete, but that’s because the last time they were here he was a rude jerk. I was on my computer looking for a couple of photos Little Diane wanted and he was right there. When the photos of Diane and Dustin’s wedding popped up, he said exactly this - “By tomorrow I expect every one of those pictures to be deleted.” Excuse me?? I snapped back, I’m ashamed to say. “Not happening, Dude. My computer, my pictures. Kendra was flower girl, her Grampa gave Little Diane away, I bought that dress and we drove 700 miles for these memories.” He huffed out of the room and stayed in their car the rest of the night. The first time they were here he was okay, but in the four or five times we’ve been with them he gets ruder. But she adores him, and I don’t have to live with him. Lucky for him.

Hey Debby I stumbled across your post about the lost posts. (I lost a pile of posts and likes). How were you supposed to know that you should contact a moderator about that? I found out what happened from someone who was a target also. Frankly after yesterday's shenanigans I was a little paranoid.
I missed some shenanigans?
I think you are probably right with that assessment Blooie. Granted she is a bit old for it but it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve seen someone acting much younger than their age. Hopefully it is just a phase, a “late adolescence” thing like you think since she never really had one and she will grow out of it and mature soon. :fl

And that Pete guy sounds like more than a rude jerk! He sounds like a control freak and hopefully he isn’t trying to control her like that. :fl I don’t blame you for snapping back like that! And I wouldn’t be ashamed of it, in fact I’m proud you stood up to the jerk! If he’s that rude though I can’t imagine what she sees in him but maybe he’s nicer to her or has some redeeming qualities or something.
Ken hasn’t blocked Little Diane yet, so while he was on Facebook updating the Wyoming Masonic group, I asked him if I could go to her page and snag a couple of examples of what I was taking about earlier. These are just a couple of her “selfies” - I didn’t download all of them because my hard drive isn’t big enough, and I left the cussing and politics out too. Here ya go - not quite the same modest little sweetheart in these, is she?

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Yes. She’s gorgeous. No, I don’t care about the hair color. Have you ever seen such blatant narcissism in your lives?
Wow! Is this the one that drove cross country to surprise you?
Anybody ever had their credit card hacked back to back? Hubby just got a replacement credit card a couple weeks ago and it just got hacked again. He’s used it once. It’s the same company as last time. I went into my account and put a block on the card and will call in the morning. :mad:
Yep, I have, long time ago back in the 90's ....1990's not 1890's :gig
Anybody ever had their credit card hacked back to back? Hubby just got a replacement credit card a couple weeks ago and it just got hacked again. He’s used it once. It’s the same company as last time. I went into my account and put a block on the card and will call in the morning. :mad:
Better do some more digging and make sure his identity has not been stolen. Make sure that his ss number isn't compromised!

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