The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

I had 3 Gortex items from Lands end. I was always wetter on the inside than out. Was supposed to be breathable but I never heard it inhale or exhale and was just miserable in it. That's was long before I grew a spine and was brave enough to return things to LE.
I wonder if it was really Gortex?
It all was labeled "Gortex - quaranteed to keep you dry in extreme wet weather.

A year or so ago, I ordered 3 rainproof products from LLBean and tried them out in the shower - 2 failed, one passed. I returned the bad ones, kept the good one. I am still very happy with the good one BUT, the zipper is horrible ( many of their customers had complained about it). I have been "stuck" inside several times and thought I would have to be cut out. One customer said they had to do that! But I have great determination and profanity skills and eventually prevail.

They put those cheaper little plastic zippers in that are self repairing (Baloney). But
when the "Zipper gods are happy," it works very well.
Really ouch!!!!! Additional 11.5 on top of all the other taxes I assume you have in your gas. BTW folks, I did a quick Google check on the price of gas in Aukland - over $2/litre (it would be liter but they spell it wrong in UK countries ;)). I don't know what incomes are like there compared to here so I'm not going to try and come up with a USD equivalent but that is over $8 NZ per gallon.
It's very ouchy! Bordering on the ridiculous! :barnie Hubby gets $80 a week petrol (gas) through his work and usually his car doesn't take the whole $80 but last trip to the pump it did. And the 'Regional Petrol Tax' doesn't even come into effect until July. Time to get out and start growing as much for ourselves as we can. Incomes definitely don't keep up with the cost of living so ideas such as a 'living wage' have been bandied about but whether anything will come of that remains to be seen.

There have been news stories lately about the cost of food, comparing what we pay here to Australia. Around Christmas kumara (sweet potato to you guys?) was almost $8 a kilo here (currently it's at $8.99/kilo) whereas in Aussie it was 0.79c! Avocados are another one that had a huge price difference. So much for healthy eating - it's just too expensive!

@N F C the house isn't quite on the market yet. Still a few doors to paint and a few birds to evict to the shed (not the cockatiels though, messy as they are). We have a broken window but that's booked in to be fixed in about 10 days - that was the earliest they could make it out our way. And our daughter's room still looks like a bomb hit it despite the many boxes she's already packed up. On top of that our new TV was playing up so that's currently away being looked at and we might hear back sometime next week as to whether it can be fixed.

Hope the rain lets up Kelsey - we've just had two solid days of rain. We even got some thunder yesterday which is a rare treat.
It's been really humid for like 2 days but then finally Saturday night it broke and it was actually chilly and last night was quite cold and even I dare say freezing lol today is solid rain. Yesterday was cloudy and kinda rainy but more mist. Idk what tomorrow is gonna do.

Thankfully last night I think was just 40s and not actually freezing ir my poor plants would be in trouble. They are loving all the rain though.
Good morning friends :hugs

Sorry! AWOL again!

Just a quick visit to catch up and let you know that I will be AWOL quite a bit the next couple of weeks; 12 hour days.

While I would usually BYC between helpdesk tickets, I am using that time to study the style guides, client requirements etc.

I got feedback from my first batch of transcription and it was awesome to have my trainer call me a “super star” and thank me for “reading and following the client requirements diligently” and “making her job easy”!

Great feedback was an awesome start to my day!
Good morning friends :hugs

Sorry! AWOL again!

Just a quick visit to catch up and let you know that I will be AWOL quite a bit the next couple of weeks; 12 hour days.

While I would usually BYC between helpdesk tickets, I am using that time to study the style guides, client requirements etc.

I got feedback from my first batch of transcription and it was awesome to have my trainer call me a “super star” and thank me for “reading and following the client requirements diligently” and “making her job easy”!

Great feedback was an awesome start to my day!
Woohoo! We knew you would do well!! Good luck!

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