The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Hello, happy to hear from some of the gang. I got my chick order yesterday, 2 were DOA, the remaining 18 are doing well.

I also had 4 of my Orpington eggs hatch on Monday and Tuesday, and than I fell down after a broody hen came after me for taking a chick, wasn't even the hen that was sitting on them. Got a sore back from falling over, but I never dropped that chick even as I had to swatch at the crazy bantam hen again while I was flat on my back in the coop.

I also found out last week I have an incisional hernia that needs repair at some point. The fun never ends here.:)

Also I took my boxer dog to get her gums trimmed. They are growing over her teeth, a common problem in the breed, so common that another boxer was there to have hers done too. My little bulldog mix is missing her trouble making buddy. The other dogs don't seem to notice she's gone.
Hey everyone!

J, your Mistletoe is such a beauty (even with the smudge, lol).

DMC, that must have given you a scare with Opie. Glad to hear he's better now.

Sunflour, I hear you on telling chicks apart. I can't tell my 3 Legbars apart either so I've taken to calling them Eenie, Meenie and Minie.

DD, I'm stumbling around here like a newbie myself. Maybe with more practice we'll get better at this.

OHLD, sorry to hear about the fall and hernia repair needed. Sometimes it seems like everything hits at once. Hope things look up soon.

My chicklings are now outside in their new temporary quarters and OUT of my office. YAY! It's going to take weeks (months? years?) to get their dust out of here.

Anyone heard from @Teila lately? Did she move yet?

Last week on Thursday & Friday we had snow...hopefully that's the last one for this season. Although I've had a few people tell me we've had snow here in July.

Hope you all are doing well. I'm going to sneak around the site and see if I can feel more comfortable with this new deal.

Have a great day you all!
Sorry Opie has been ill, hope he gets totally well very soon.

OMG - 3 broodies at one time :eek:. Hope they get over it quickly.

You have had your hands quite full, hope everything settles down soon:hugs.

I guess I cursed myself at the beginning of the year by trying to pick a designated broody, and telling myself that none of the others would be allowed.

Currently sitting (just since January!) #19 & #20 (OEGB's) are sisters sitting together, due this week. #21 is a black/split lav orp, she is due this weekend, or early next week. #22 (bantam cochin) started by herself, then #16 joined her after I removed #16 from sitting with #15 a few weeks ago (she killed the first hatchling) Now #23 has joined them, all 3 in one coop. They have a couple weeks to go. #24 (OEGB) was originally #1, I guess she wants another round. #25 (another cochin pen) and #26 (chocolate orpington was #12, wanting another round also) I just noticed these 2 in the nest boxes all day yesterday and the day before. Hopefully they give up when I keep taking their eggs.

I guess I cursed myself at the beginning of the year by trying to pick a designated broody, and telling myself that none of the others would be allowed.

Currently sitting (just since January!) #19 & #20 (OEGB's) are sisters sitting together, due this week. #21 is a black/split lav orp, she is due this weekend, or early next week. #22 (bantam cochin) started by herself, then #16 joined her after I removed #16 from sitting with #15 a few weeks ago (she killed the first hatchling) Now #23 has joined them, all 3 in one coop. They have a couple weeks to go. #24 (OEGB) was originally #1, I guess she wants another round. #25 (another cochin pen) and #26 (chocolate orpington was #12, wanting another round also) I just noticed these 2 in the nest boxes all day yesterday and the day before. Hopefully they give up when I keep taking their eggs.


Sorry WV but I can't help but laugh :lau Guess that old saying about 'when it rains, it pours' is true, huh?
Hello, happy to hear from some of the gang. I got my chick order yesterday, 2 were DOA, the remaining 18 are doing well.

I also had 4 of my Orpington eggs hatch on Monday and Tuesday, and than I fell down after a broody hen came after me for taking a chick, wasn't even the hen that was sitting on them. Got a sore back from falling over, but I never dropped that chick even as I had to swatch at the crazy bantam hen again while I was flat on my back in the coop.

I also found out last week I have an incisional hernia that needs repair at some point. The fun never ends here.:)

Also I took my boxer dog to get her gums trimmed. They are growing over her teeth, a common problem in the breed, so common that another boxer was there to have hers done too. My little bulldog mix is missing her trouble making buddy. The other dogs don't seem to notice she's gone.

Oh my, you are having a time of it. Sorry about the 2 lost. Hope all the others continue to fare well.
You have to be more careful - bet ya if I was the one who fell holding a chick, we'd still be laying there.
And be careful about what you lift to avoid surgery before you are ready.
I had a boxer when I was a child, not a lot of memories - just thru pictures my parents had. Trimmed gums doesn't sound like fun :(

Sunflour, I hear you on telling chicks apart. I can't tell my 3 Legbars apart either so I've taken to calling them Eenie, Meenie and Minie.

Great Idea - I'll use Eenie, Meenie, Minie and Moe for now:) 2 of mine are larger than the other 2 - so at least I have them in 2 groups of identification - Biggies and Littles. But all 4 are feathering and developing at the same rate and are already spoiled little gals.

It's so nice to see you popping in - the new format is somewhat overwhelming at first, and they are still working out some of the "bugs".
I guess I cursed myself at the beginning of the year by trying to pick a designated broody, and telling myself that none of the others would be allowed.

Currently sitting (just since January!) #19 & #20 (OEGB's) are sisters sitting together, due this week. #21 is a black/split lav orp, she is due this weekend, or early next week. #22 (bantam cochin) started by herself, then #16 joined her after I removed #16 from sitting with #15 a few weeks ago (she killed the first hatchling) Now #23 has joined them, all 3 in one coop. They have a couple weeks to go. #24 (OEGB) was originally #1, I guess she wants another round. #25 (another cochin pen) and #26 (chocolate orpington was #12, wanting another round also) I just noticed these 2 in the nest boxes all day yesterday and the day before. Hopefully they give up when I keep taking their eggs.


But if you wanted broody you'd have none.
Maybe you need to have your water evaluated :rolleyes:
Oh my, you are having a time of it. Sorry about the 2 lost. Hope all the others continue to fare well.
You have to be more careful - bet ya if I was the one who fell holding a chick, we'd still be laying there.
And be careful about what you lift to avoid surgery before you are ready.
I had a boxer when I was a child, not a lot of memories - just thru pictures my parents had. Trimmed gums doesn't sound like fun :(

Great Idea - I'll use Eenie, Meenie, Minie and Moe for now:) 2 of mine are larger than the other 2 - so at least I have them in 2 groups of identification - Biggies and Littles. But all 4 are feathering and developing at the same rate and are already spoiled little gals.

It's so nice to see you popping in - the new format is somewhat overwhelming at first, and they are still working out some of the "bugs".

Sis, another thing alike! We had a Boxer when I was a little kid too. Her name was Boots and she was just the calmest, most loving dog ever. She used to let me use her for a pillow during nap times :)

As for the chicks, we actually have a Moe too. Still haven't found a home for our unintentional boy. He's going to be so handsome, hope something shows up for him soon.

Glad to have read you're all better now!

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