The NFC B-Day Chat Thread


Yep, that's what I thought.  The chicks will be fine - only you will have to deal with anxiety.  :p

Glad I called the place before getting the brooder warm and ready :D .

I was armed and ready with info and pics to make sure I pick gals, hope I can remember that stuff for a few more days :lau

They are straight run? The local guys here get pullets when they order from a hatchery (though they do mess up sometimes; that's where my EE roo came from).
They are straight run? The local guys here get pullets when they order from a hatchery (though they do mess up sometimes; that's where my EE roo came from).

Nope, that's why I don't shop at Tractor Supply.. the independent folks order sexed pullets - I got 6 gals out of 6 last time, but if makes me feel better to know what I'm looking for

I'm only getting 4 and really, really need only gals...but have a couple of folks who would take any roo mistakes off my hands :)

Sorry about the EE - I think they would be more difficult to sex than BR and Welsummers.
Good morning folks

J and I thought chickens were hard work sometimes!
Love the pics … Mistletoe is a beautiful cat!

Congrats on the successful hiring day N F C! I too had never really thought about golf courses closing; they don't here

Blooie did you go with coop clean or what would be my preferred option?

sunflour I am so sorry to hear about the delay and sucky timing

No news of note .. still planning, packing and pooped! Lol

Apparently FIL took some more pics of the build yesterday but I have not got them yet. I will share when they arrive.
Good morning folks

J and I thought chickens were hard work sometimes!
Love the pics … Mistletoe is a beautiful cat!

Congrats on the successful hiring day N F C! I too had never really thought about golf courses closing; they don't here

Blooie did you go with coop clean or what would be my preferred option?

sunflour I am so sorry to hear about the delay and sucky timing

No news of note .. still planning, packing and pooped! Lol

Apparently FIL took some more pics of the build yesterday but I have not got them yet. I will share when they arrive.
I couldn't make up my mind so I went to bed. <sigh>
I couldn't make up my mind so I went to bed. <sigh>

Ah, so there was a third and much preferred option

Reminds me of a funny thing I always remember and which you guys n' gals may have already heard but I will share [apologies in advance to the married men in the room .. I did not write it and it can be switched to 'man'

A single woman comes home, sees what is in the fridge and goes to bed .. A married woman comes home, sees what is in the bed and goes to the fridge!
You guys ready for some pictures? If not, feel free to scroll past. DS and I spent a good part of the day checking out Seminoe State's only 32 miles from my house but this is the first time I've been up there.

We saw mountains, the river, giant rock outcroppings and sand dunes. Pretty good way to spend an afternoon, especially doing it with DS!

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