The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

That would be ordinary skeeters.... these are Wyoming skeeters! Everything has to be tougher here....

Very true Blooie! WY skeeters are much worse than FL skeeters. That's like comparing a jack hammer to a sewing needle.
Purty much, Chris! Wanna see a picture of a Wyoming monkey?
Why go so high up just to avoid malaria? It's actually great for weight loss (well, it was 15 years ago, for me)

I like the weight loss idea, not so keen on the malaria part..

Also I heard it was miserable, and I do not do misery well. Ask my Wife. of course she does not believe that colds hit men way harder than they hit women.
Also I heard it was miserable, and I do not do misery well. Ask my Wife. of course she does not believe that colds hit men way harder than they hit women.
Seems your DW is as delusional as all others then
And men don't get colds, we get "flu".

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