The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

It is a real bummer for him as I'm sure it is for you too blooie :hugs
Not been able to do also drives me batty. I feel really disappointed for him right now as he has only just got shotgun license through after the police took so long processing it. (Most of the summer) He's spent his savings on his own auto gun and now this.

Good morning folks.... Just caught up.
Blooie i wish you could get out hunting.
I think your too Busy more than anything.... Cuz if you had time I'd figure out a way to take you out hunting..... Take care of yourself.
Oh, I have a way. I have a Game and Fish permit to shoot from a vehicle, not easy to come by and requires a ton of medical documentation. But I did that for a couple of years, following all the rules of course, and it just seemed "not me" that I decided it just wasn't right. It's also not as easy as most people think. Limited choices of where I can park and stay within GF&P regs, and the deer don't just walk up, tap me on the shoulder and say, "I'm going to stand over by that just fire when ready." I did fill my tag every year, but it was just wrong. So I finally gave it up. I may go pheasant hunting this year - Ken's still trying to help me decide - but believe me, if it was a time matter I'd find a way!! I always did, sometimes tossing dinner in the crock pot, throwing my gun in the back of the Suzuki, and going up on top of the Big Horns all by myself. So the spirit is willing, the sportsman in me just doesn't like it.
It's driving me crazy not to be able to hunt anymore. Feels like the minor disabilities I have are winning the battle to take over or something. <sigh> Doubles my regrets for Charlie!!

Here in NJ we have hunting clubs that 'help' handicapped hunters to blinds and assist in deer hunting.

When we first moved here folks thought that road hunting of pheasants on my front yard was a good idea. A few shotgun blasts over the roofs of their vehicles and local gossip convinced them that was not a good idea.

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