The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

I haven't been able to find an organic all-flock. It's pretty hard to find organic anything in the feed store, and I just can't pay shipping on a 50# bag. I have found a local group that makes an organic feed from scratch, and as soon as my husband is home I'll look into buying that.

I need to look up where you are Ashdoes, but I can get bulk organic feed from Ferhringer's.
I can also get "easy feed' from Ranchway.
I have pigs too and get Ferhringer's organic feed for them.

Thanks BDM for starting a new thread. I work at an organic farm and feed my animals organic feed and try to use 'natural' animal husbandry methods. I have learned so much from Bee and all the people on the "road traveled' thread. I am so gratful for all  the time people have spent there posting.

Being fairly new here I am having a hard time discovering new places. I've never heard of Ferhringers...but theres Falcon Feed(I think that's their name) behind falcon Big R, I just havent made my way back there yet. I figure if I'm doing everything else natural I may as well go organic with the feed too, just seems like the next logical step.

Regarding BRs, I love mine. We have one, meant to get two but one hopped out the box before they closed it. Our BR is the head hen, they don't even try to stand up to her. She's also the one that "trained" the dogs to stay away from the chickens. She's also wonderfully built. I don't know if it's her feathering or what, but she pleasantly bulky without looking fat, but then you pick her up and she's one solidly built bird. Hubby wants more BRs and I want some mutt BR Cochins.
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I've got a hatchery BR flock, after looking at (drooling over) the heartbreakingly beautiful BR's the OT's have posted. I bought them from someone who hatched = and supposedly showed - their flock, but I definitely know the difference now. When I can afford to do so, I will buy good stock, and breed towards the SOP. I am not concerned with maximum egg production - I can always have a few hens that are suited for that - but I would love to work to improve the breeds, now that I understand some of the differences. I love to learn and am not afraid to work to bring back the hritage breeds.
Thank You Bulldogma for the info!  I was hoping IF they needed they would use it. But wasn't sure if I should keep them penned and make them eat it because there was nothing else. If they aren't worried about it...neither will I!   I will check out the blog. Thanks for the direction...sounds interesting!

I think it's great that they're getting so much from free ranging that they don't need the supplemental feed. It's bone dry here right now, but I'm hoping come Spring my flock get more greens and bugs.
Being fairly new here I am having a hard time discovering new places. I've never heard of Ferhringers...but theres Falcon Feed(I think that's their name) behind falcon Big R, I just havent made my way back there yet. I figure if I'm doing everything else natural I may as well go organic with the feed too, just seems like the next logical step.
Regarding BRs, I love mine. We have one, meant to get two but one hopped out the box before they closed it. Our BR is the head hen, they don't even try to stand up to her. She's also the one that "trained" the dogs to stay away from the chickens. She's also wonderfully built. I don't know if it's her feathering or what, but she pleasantly bulky without looking fat, but then you pick her up and she's one solidly built bird. Hubby wants more BRs and I want some mutt BR Cochins.

Barred rocks have wonderful temperaments and make great head hens. Mine all lay very well, are great in the winter, and are real lap chickens if you let them be. Mine seek me out even though I don't handle them much. Great broodies when they do decide to set.

I like nice even barring of the heritage BRs, but the production type is just awesome in terms of laying ability. Nice big brown eggs. Though my breeder BRs are great layers as well, they are just not even close to Fred hen's birds. I'd love to import some of those to Canada!

I have crossed the BR and the cochin, and they are beautiful!

Well I have no idea if the other thread will continue. I hope it does, and Bee hopefully will return.. This was great to put this up when the other thread closed, I did not even know it had closed till someone mentioned it. What ever happened, I am glad I missed it.
This will be a thread dedicated to natural, chemical free chicken keeping. The "rules" are simple (for now).

Rule #1: Everyone has different ways of doing things - Please... we don't want to get into any "I'm right, you're wrong," stuff here.

Rule #2: Share for the sake of sharing - good, all natural chicken keeping.

Rule #3: Culling - death is a part of life. If you don't like it, you probably don't need to be on this thread. People who keep flocks for meat are welcome here!

So - let's keep it friendly, and please, let it roll off your back if someone says something you don't like.

Thanks for setting this up! I was most forlorn all afternoon, but now....!

Barred rocks have wonderful temperaments and make great head hens. Mine all lay very well, are great in the winter, and are real lap chickens if you let them be. Mine seek me out even though I don't handle them much. Great broodies when they do decide to set.

I like nice even barring of the heritage BRs, but the production type is just awesome in terms of laying ability. Nice big brown eggs. Though my breeder BRs are great layers as well, they are just not even close to Fred hen's birds. I'd love to import some of those to Canada!

I have crossed the BR and the cochin, and they are beautiful!

Pretty!!! I love the feathered leg look
I have a suggestion for people looking for healthier grains. Get in your car and drive the fields in your neighborhood. Look for the grain. Go find a nice looking farm and ask some questions.TTell them what you .are looking for. If they do not have it, the chances are they know someone who does. Find out who your local 4H Agri organizer is. For sure they are doing projects that are free from drugs and chemicals. Put an add in the local Craigs list, Look for others in your community who are looking for the same thing you are.

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