-The Mythics RP-


Aerie stared at the odd man with his large golden eyes.
Was it finally time? It felt like an eternity had passed since Your Highness had first told him that he was destined to bring down a great fortress and free the lands, and now here the moment had come; in the form of a goat-man.
A small flare of excitement, long diminished, rekindled and mixed with the confusion he felt at the moment and created an odd mixture he wasn’t sure how to respond to. His reaction timing was all but gone after the many years in the cell.
He simply addressed the first thing he could put solid focus to. In his rough voice, he asked; “Why are you..” he looked Pinchbeck up and down slowly, the scent of the Mythic calling up an old memory of high-climbing mammals. “Mixed with a goat?”
Fitz blinked, his mouth forming a small ‘o’.
He subconsciously ran a hand down the smooth surface of one of his horns, “by Jove, are you daft, boy? I’m a satyr,” he sputtered. “And may I ask why you have those wings, sprouting from your shoulders?”
He shook his head in disbelief. “You will ask no such questions once we are aboard the ship, is that clear? My, my, this cell has gotten to your head. I’m nearly certain it’s getting to mine as well.”
Turning to the door, he glanced at the wyvern, his chin held high in a way that suggested the conversation was very much over, “the guards will have you ready to leave soon. It will be in everyone’s favor if you act civilized.” And with that he promptly left the cell, the centaur guard shutting the door behind him.
"Hm. Very well."
She gave a slight gesture for him to continue, offering a small nod as she stepped away. Ember was unsure of how to take his response. There was no obvious hint of disrespect or irritation, but his curt response made her feathers bristle regardless.
Pirates- there will always be unrest here. Best to start getting used to it.

Ember gave a short nod to the man speaking with the Scorpion, subconsciously flashing a sharp gaze over him.
"Apologies for the interruption."
It was hard. Being polite.
"The supplies are nearly finished loading. One hundred and eight persons for the crew so far, including Miss Lyra, First mate Jintao, myself, and your surgeon here."
The Harpy nodded to the Captain's companion.
Ember gave a short nod to the man speaking with the Scorpion, subconsciously flashing a sharp gaze over him.
"Apologies for the interruption."
It was hard. Being polite.
"The supplies are nearly finished loading. One hundred and eight persons for the crew so far, including Miss Lyra, First mate Jintao, myself, and your surgeon here."
The Harpy nodded to the Captain's companion.
Vhanya regarded her quartermistress with a pleased grin, “splendid! Just splendid.” She pressed a hand to her chin, “have the men start assembling bulkheads belowdecks. We’ll need them up by ‘morn if everyone is to be comfortable— and situate the werewolf girl belowdecks as well, I can’t devote cabin space to her.”
She glanced to Bailey, “and have your men brought sufficient rations from the Meredith?”

Cyrus nodded, “aye, they have.” He tipped his head toward the Harpy, “I won’t bite, lass.”
Start loading supplies onto the ship or I will come set you on fire
*hides in terror while typing*

Lupin worked her fingers under a barrel filled with something heavy and heaved it up. She peered over the curved wooden slats to search for the red-feathered hybrid-- the terrifying one, who gave out an aura of EVERYTHING MUST BURN whenever Lupin looked at her.
A flint arrowhead poked her hip and she grimaced. Of all the things to carry in her pocket, she picked the sharp stabby thing.
She shifted, trying to move the arrowhead to a more comfortable position without using her hands. The barrel tilted precariously, and Lupin gave up, preferring pain over a furious Scorpion.
Slowly, she carried the barrel on board, her hair whipping in the slight breeze and getting in her eyes. The ship rocked suddenly, riding a swell, and Lupin felt herself stumble. Her load swayed and tilted, and she cursed her land legs.
Vhanya regarded her quartermistress with a pleased grin, “splendid! Just splendid.” She pressed a hand to her chin, “have the men start assembling bulkheads belowdecks. We’ll need them up by ‘morn if everyone is to be comfortable— and situate the werewolf girl belowdecks as well, I can’t devote cabin space to her.”
She glanced to Bailey, “and have your men brought sufficient rations from the Meredith?”

Cyrus nodded, “aye, they have.” He tipped his head toward the Harpy, “I won’t bite, lass.”
Ember's flaming eyes narrowed slightly at the man's words, but she glanced back to the Captain immediately after.
"Yes, Captain. We'll be ready to sail by dawn."
The Harpy took a gracious step back, dipping her head politely to Vhanya and the surgeon before turning on her heel and striding toward the deck's descending stairs.
"All free hands on deck- down below! Assemble the bulkheads!"
Ember's voice carried, thick-toned and steady, clear above the clamor of the Quicksilver's crew.
She paused at the top of the stairwell, red eyes flashing quickly among the mingled crew to land, piercing on the werewolf girl.
"Lupin. A word."
Fitz blinked, his mouth forming a small ‘o’.
He subconsciously ran a hand down the smooth surface of one of his horns, “by Jove, are you daft, boy? I’m a satyr,” he sputtered. “And may I ask why you have those wings, sprouting from your shoulders?”
He shook his head in disbelief. “You will ask no such questions once we are aboard the ship, is that clear? My, my, this cell has gotten to your head. I’m nearly certain it’s getting to mine as well.”
Turning to the door, he glanced at the wyvern, his chin held high in a way that suggested the conversation was very much over, “the guards will have you ready to leave soon. It will be in everyone’s favor if you act civilized.” And with that he promptly left the cell, the centaur guard shutting the door behind him.
The apparent ‘satyr’ creature was talking fast. Aerie never tried to speak up when people did that. It was no use anyway.
He glanced over his shoulder when Pinchbeck mentioned his wings. I’ve always had them. He thought. Why is it weird that I should have them? Should I not? After a moment’s though, he decided that he should. His parents and sister did after all.
He had asked a simple question, and the weird goat-man hadn’t even responded to it. The lack of response suggested to Aerie that Pinchbeck was the daft one, though he had an odd way of going about it.
He sat quietly in the dimly lit room, staring at the cell door as hoofsteps receded. He was left wondering what exactly entailed in ‘acting civilized’. Perhaps that was what the satyr was, although where Aerie came from, the definition differed greatly. Perhaps he didn’t act civilized, and just wanted Aerie to.
It was a strange request.
Ember's flaming eyes narrowed slightly at the man's words, but she glanced back to the Captain immediately after.
"Yes, Captain. We'll be ready to sail by dawn."
The Harpy took a gracious step back, dipping her head politely to Vhanya and the surgeon before turning on her heel and striding toward the deck's descending stairs.
"All free hands on deck- down below! Assemble the bulkheads!"
Ember's voice carried, thick-toned and steady, clear above the clamor of the Quicksilver's crew.
She paused at the top of the stairwell, red eyes flashing quickly among the mingled crew to land, piercing on the werewolf girl.
"Lupin. A word."
Lupin's throat twisted into a double knot. She swallowed. "Did I do something? I mean, yes?" she asked, the hairs on her neck prickling nervously. She set the barrel on the deck and stood up straight, fighting back sarcastic retorts that had been ingrained in her blood for a decade or more. She hooked one foot behind the other, the picture of anxiousness. "I've loaded four barrels of whatever this is," she offered, flapping her hand at her load.

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