The ducks and my flowers


May 27, 2019
Brusly, LA
Hi everyone,
I'm having an issue with my ducks eating my flowers. They don't do it all the time. As a matter of fact they seem to only do it whenever I take too long to bring their food to them or if I leave for the day. The rest of the time they do not bother them.
I don't want to put one of those little garden fences around my flower bed. Is there anything else I can do to deter them from eating my bedding plants? Hopefully someone has the answer!
Seriously..we have a large garden and we have farmer market at the end of our driveway. Well, this year the rain hit us hard so our crop was not great..but what we did have was scavenged by many little saddlers, no matter. How hard we tried to stop them. Needless to say we didn’t clean up at the farm stand this, my one is to fence your flowers if you like them. :)

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