Announcement The Coop Page / Article Rating & Review Project!



BYC Staff
17 Years
Dec 26, 2006
California - SF East Bay
My Coop
My Coop
SHORT VERSION: We need each member to review at least 5 Chicken Coop pages listed Here:

Once you've reviewed 5 coops, please reply to this thread letting us know!


Chicken coops have been an incredibly important part of BYC from our beginning in 1999. We encourage all our members to document, photograph, and then submit their coop-building experiences.

In an effort to further improve our coop database, we need YOUR HELP with reviewing chicken coops!!

Our goal is to have EVERY coop page have at least 3 reviews!

Our system has "ratings" (just the star rating) and "reviews" (the rating + a text comment), and you can do either one, but we prefer you provide a "review" if you can.

We want your HONEST feedback on the coop pages. If you have some constructive feedback, but don't want to leave your name, you can check the anonymous box and leave a review anonymously.

Below is a customize link to a list of all the coop pages that need reviews. This list only shows coop pages that you have NOT reviewed. Please start at the top and work your way down:

We look forward to your help!!!


Regarding rating criteria, try not to rate a coop page only on the way the coop looks. A 5-Star coop page is one that is incredibly detailed and chock-full of stuff that will help others build their perfectly fitting coop, and usually has a great combo of:
  • A bunch of pics during and after construction
  • A nice write-up of what the person did, what they liked, what they would have done differently, tips, tricks, etc.
  • Plans of the coop are a big bonus!
NOTE: If you see ANYTHING in the article that needs fixing (missing images, poorly formatted text, etc.,) PLEASE see the post HERE for instructions.

Help with where to leave a review are here.

Are you all done rating coops? Head on over and help with the BYC Learning Center REVIEW Project

07/01/2022 update:
Last edited:

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