The Benefits of Free Ranging Heritage Turkeys


8 Years
Feb 19, 2011
Massachusetts, USA

Heritage bird meat had yet to be tested for nutritional quality until Frank partnered last year with Kansas State University to conduct a nutritional analysis. The results are outstanding -- Good Shepherd chickens were found to have higher nutritional values than the commercially raised birds! Good Shepherd’s ground chicken was found to have half the fat of commercially produced birds and twice the level of protein! It was also found to have six times the trace minerals AND six times the Omega 3 fatty acids of any other chicken tested, including an unexpected finding of Vitamin C as well. Kansas State continues to do testing with the birds even as this is written, and as these findings come to light, this noted scientific discovery of quality will certainly push Good Shepherd ahead of others in the marketplace.

THe article in its entirity is located in the link above.
Very cool. I started raising egg chickens and then meat chickens and now turkeys to provide a more humanely raised and ethical meat for my family's table. It seemed more tasty as well and my heart told me that it was probably a healthier product as well, but this article supports the idea that a healthier, less stressed animal is healthier to eat as well.
I too have started questioning the micronutrient quality of the commerically produced meats-- and then I found the artivle above that confirmed my thinking.

It also means we need to take care of the ground the birds walk on. Grow good food for them, not just commercial pellets.

Heritage bird meat had yet to be tested for nutritional quality until Frank partnered last year with Kansas State University to conduct a nutritional analysis. The results are outstanding -- Good Shepherd chickens were found to have higher nutritional values than the commercially raised birds! Good Shepherd’s ground chicken was found to have half the fat of commercially produced birds and twice the level of protein! It was also found to have six times the trace minerals AND six times the Omega 3 fatty acids of any other chicken tested, including an unexpected finding of Vitamin C as well. Kansas State continues to do testing with the birds even as this is written, and as these findings come to light, this noted scientific discovery of quality will certainly push Good Shepherd ahead of others in the marketplace.

THe article in its entirity is located in the link above.

Thank you so much for posting this! I live less than 50 miles from Tampa, KS, the location of Good Shephard, and I had never even heard of it!!

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