The Adventures of Featherdust Flock

@KayTee Thank you! You talking about your Bieles in the "breed focus" thread (last year I think??) was one of my deciding factors on this breed. I initially was going to go for Crested Cream Legbars, because they are very beautiful to me and I ADORE their crests, but I read some mixed things about their temperaments (some very positive and some negative) and that the US imports seem to be more susceptible to Marek's. I knew I wanted an auto-sexing breed because I don't have a way to deal with "extra" roosters since I become too attached and I can't give them away once they are exposed, so I read up on the Bielefelders. I love that they are also very cold hardy as it does get bitter cold here in bad winters (I've had -35°F!). I must say that they are absolutely impressing me so far, even though they are only a month old now. I've never known chicks to be so sweet, friendly, attentive, etc. And wouldn't you know it but they sent me some packing peanuts... all hens except one little rooster! I was really scared at first, but the more I read about people's experiences with these guys as roosters the more I think it might work out in my flock. I have a rooster... Baron Rufflerump the cochin, but he's severely handicapped and I am scared to death of an able bodied rooster beating the stuffing out of him (even though he's HUGE). The biele roo might be okay, and if not, I have a second coop now that I can keep Baron Rufflerump and his best friend, Mildred (she's a huge cochin too) in. Mildred also has mobility problems and they could keep each other company and have a "handicap coop condo" all to themselves if there is a rooster conflict!

I'm so delighted to read about Bieles possibly having good resistance to Marek's. My chicks are vaccinated and I'm introducing them gradually (with the hopes that if they are going to be exposed, let it be in small amounts at first!) now that it's been over 4 weeks.
Here are a few more photos of the new girls. I'll try to get a photo of Derp this week now that we are finally getting spring weather! She laid an egg yesterday... the first in over a year and a half! Wow, Derp... I didn't even know you still had that option!! Haha!



All nine chicks in the "Fud Guy's" lap. They all do this on their own; we didn't put them here. Any time we let them out they want to be on us!
all9 bieles.jpg

Ganymede (top) and Larkspur (below):
ganymede and larkspur 4weeks.jpg


  • bielefelders sunbeam.jpg
    bielefelders sunbeam.jpg
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They are beautiful and certainly do look like sweethearts. I have read on BYC that Fayoumi are very resistant to Mareks but, don't notice anyone trying them. :confused:
They are adorable! :love:love:love
I found your webcam link yesterday and wasted a good half hour of my time watching them run around in their pen! :caf :pop(I love chicken tv!)

I'm not surprised they all crowd onto you when you let them out - you and the fud guy are such good chicken parents ;) It's no wonder they love you! :love

Have you named all 9 yet? I am struggling for names for my new Ayam Cemani / Bielefeder crosses, and they're already 3 months old!

Waiting on the pictures of Derp - Warrior Princess, Tumbleweed and egg-layer extraordinaire - she's still got it going on!
Go Derp! :clap
They are adorable! :love:love:love
I found your webcam link yesterday and wasted a good half hour of my time watching them run around in their pen! :caf :pop(I love chicken tv!)

I'm not surprised they all crowd onto you when you let them out - you and the fud guy are such good chicken parents ;) It's no wonder they love you! :love

Have you named all 9 yet? I am struggling for names for my new Ayam Cemani / Bielefeder crosses, and they're already 3 months old!

Waiting on the pictures of Derp - Warrior Princess, Tumbleweed and egg-layer extraordinaire - she's still got it going on!
Go Derp! :clap

Yes! They all have names except the little rooster. That one is a struggle, I like silly rooster names but want one that is easy to say because I always end up yelling the rooster's name more than anyone else's, lol!!

The hens are:
Bumblebee, Fungus, Ganymede, Larkspur, Thistle, Bracken, Nutmeg, and Queen Titania.

I guessed from the first week that Queen Titania would be boss hen... so far she's living up to it! We'll see if I am right as they mature!
Hi, Fud Lady! :frow I've been following along, just super busy with the end of the semester.

Boy do I love Bieles! :love Your babies are so sweet. Makes me miss my big girl, Violet, who also loved lap sitting, but only when she had her head thoroughly buried in my shirt sleeve under my arm. I love the names you've chosen for them, too, especially Larkspur and Bumblebee. :love I see you finally have your Thistle! (It was you that wanted a brown hen named Thistle, right? Or am I dreaming that? :lol: It's been a long semester...)
Must be the biologist in me. I didn't even think twice about the name Fungus. :lol: Actually, there are some really beautiful fungus species out there, like Mycena interrupta and Clavaria zollingeri. And, of course, the chicken-of-the-woods, Laetiporus sulphureus. Maybe she's named after one of those? :D

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