Aris Farm

In the Brooder
Jul 25, 2019
I live on a small farm in West Central Indiana. I've had chickens going on 4 years. I am at about 30 chickens. A have a few of many breeds. Cochin, Easter eggers, bantam, polish, turken, salmon favorelle. I have ducks also. We also raise miniature goats and donkeys, alpacas and llamas. I have a couple retired horses. A couple miniature horses. A rescue pot belly pig. 6 dogs.
I've been the leader of our 4H alpaca and Llama Club for 9 years. Just really love the farm life.
Chickens are the newest of my critters and I'll take all the help I can get. Reading a book is one thing but talking to people who have actual experience is a big factor for me!
Welcome to backyard chickens :frow:welcome

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