Thank you for all the help.


May 23, 2021
Wasilla, Alaska
It’s been three years since I started raising chickens. You guys have helped me so much and given me such a good time but it’s time for me to get rid of them.
I can no longer handle chickens, I’m not cut out for it so this is my goodbye.

You people are so amazing, your flocks are wonderful and you’re all so friendly and funny, I love this group very much and I might stalk though the happenings here. This is a very heartbreaking decision but it’s for the sake of my flock, I shouldn’t keep them for my own happiness when I can’t properly care for them. Bye all it’s been wonderful ❤️


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I am so sorry. :hugs

I read your other post and all you've been through. I get it as if I had to deal with half of that, I'd let them go too.

Is there a way you'd consider just keeping a couple of your favorites around? Managing just two compared to a good-sized flock of them might be relaxing instead of challenging. I can tell you love your chickens, so it's heartbreaking to see you giving them all up, but truly understandable. ❤️
I am so sorry. :hugs

I read your other post and all you've been through. I get it as if I had to deal with half of that, I'd let them go too.

Is there a way you'd consider just keeping a couple of your favorites around? Managing just two compared to a good-sized flock of them might be relaxing instead of challenging. I can tell you love your chickens, so it's heartbreaking to see you giving them all up, but truly understandable. ❤️
Nah I can’t winter them again. Can’t handle losing more either, they’d be safer with someone else. I’ll miss them greatly it’s been really hard but it’s for their own sake I have a hard time caring for living things
I might be able to keep a few. Someone who lost his flock ended up taking a lot less than I thought, he let his daughter choose and she only chose four. Someone else came and picked up two bantam pullets and a chick and someone else will be coming to get 10 tomorrow and any others I don’t want to keep around will be picked up by someone else which will hopefully leave me with my older hens, my silkie and my friendly rooster. So I guess I’m just starting over? Not going to start breeding and getting a bigger flock until we have a bigger property and proper setup for that many
Okay yep. My family offered help throughout the winter, I got rid of all of the under 2 year olds and kept my 2-6 year olds and one rooster, added on a couple more 2 year olds for heat and to prevent overbreeding but I think having only older more experienced chickens until I have a run will be a lot easier
I'm so happy to hear it worked out for you to still have a few! :hugs
It’s been three years since I started raising chickens. You guys have helped me so much and given me such a good time but it’s time for me to get rid of them.
I can no longer handle chickens, I’m not cut out for it so this is my goodbye.

You people are so amazing, your flocks are wonderful and you’re all so friendly and funny, I love this group very much and I might stalk though the happenings here. This is a very heartbreaking decision but it’s for the sake of my flock, I shouldn’t keep them for my own happiness when I can’t properly care for them. Bye all it’s been wonderful ❤️

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