Théo and the chickens des Sauches

Well he is from Belgium so maybe closer to you geographically and culturally, than to me ! I’m not sure to what degree he is known elsewhere though. The clear line had a huge impact on french comics.

We promised that next year we will either do Christmas separately each in our own family, or not do it at all 🤣.
Lilly's foot was healing nicely, the wound is making a clean scab, but the last two days it seems to be swelling slightly. At this stage, I'm not sure if it's a problem or just a normal reaction. It was quite a deep opening so we are not going to probe it or even bathe her foot for a while.
I was right to be surprised that Nougat had laid a beautiful first egg, because today she laid two soft shells in a row- one in her nest during the night and one in the morning. She seemed a bit tired after but not really unwell. I am not sure if we can do anything about it, I think she eats sufficiently and has access to enough calcium. Because of Kara they always have a choice now between plain water and supplemented. It could be she just needs to get back into laying, or her reproductive system is worn out.

The pullets are now showing strong personalities. Lulu is extremely vocal ; those noises she started making when she began to lay, have now become her ways of expressing that she's unhappy about something, or wanting Gaston to come over ; and she is very loud, by far the loudest chickens that has lived here. She is the most familiar though and still speaks to us like a duck. Annette and Mélisse are both free rangers, especially Annette, who always wander far on her own. They are not familiar with us, but they are not afraid at all. When we have lunch outside it has become difficult to keep them off the table and out of our plate. Even Gaston seems a bit shocked at how they act with us. Laure, on the other hand, is still afraid of everything. She is the most dependent on Gaston and she stays mostly close to him. She gets bullied by Lulu and Lilly, but it's a strange relationship where she follows them and hangs around with them all the time, but gets pecked in the eye by Lilly and chased around by Lulu. She is now laying every other day and her eggs are the smallest, even though she is the biggest of the four.

Lilly has ruffled feathers and I saw today underneath she has a lot of broken feathers. I suspect it's because of the roosters mating too often with her, Pied-beau and now Gaston.
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Laure has such a strange personality. She is really afraid, but she is also curious and greedy enough to eat from my hand, though mostly she grabs and runs. Also, you can see on that picture she is beginning to have spurs. With her huge wattle and comb, I wonder if it has anything to do with having more male hormones than the others ?
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Chipie still believes she should rule the world.
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We took off definitely the wrap off Nieva's foot tonight. She is totally healed.
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My partner put on the blue overall to clean the stove's pipe and the chickens are terrified of him when he wears that.
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When Gaston is away Théo likes to pretend he is still the ex-batt rooster.
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Blanche has grown new feathers.
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Kara laid a huge brown egg today that looked like the eggs she used to lay before she had troubles laying. I hope it's a good sign.
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Gaston is in great shape. Everyone who sees him comments how healthy and shiny he looks.
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Théo and Piou-piou are still together although Piou-piou hangs out with Gaston when he goes in the garden.
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Lovely update. Glad you survived Christmas!
I was right to be surprised that Nougat had laid a beautiful first egg, because today she laid two soft shells in a row- one in her nest during the night and one in the morning. She seemed a bit tired after but not really unwell. I am not sure if we can do anything about it, I think she eats sufficiently and has access to enough calcium.
A few years back I had a hen who laid eggs without a shell. She had acces to extra calcium all the time too. The other hens laid strong shell eggs.
When it was too late I learned that giving her extra calcium (human tablets) might have worked if I had given her these as soon as I noticed who laid the eggs without the shell. She got a big belly/ internal infection one day and died within two days after noticing.

I cant remember how I should have given the extra calcium. Maybe a solution /with syringe?. Maybe it was @Eggcessive who gave this recommendation.
A few years back I had a hen who laid eggs without a shell. She had acces to extra calcium all the time too. The other hens laid strong shell eggs.
When it was too late I learned that giving her extra calcium (human tablets) might have worked if I had given her these as soon as I noticed who laid the eggs without the shell. She got a big belly/ internal infection one day and died within two days after noticing.

I cant remember how I should have given the extra calcium. Maybe a solution /with syringe?. Maybe it was @Eggcessive who gave this recommendation.
The recommendations from the BYC experts is to give calcium citrate which is usually available (at least in the US) in the women’s health part of the pharmacy.
Calcium carbonate (a common antacid also available in the pharmacy) is OK too but is less well absorbed from the gut.
First fox attack.
Day started grey and drizzling. At lunch it was raining and we decided to lock the chickens in as it was raining and we weren't watching over them.
It turns out we very likely locked up Théo and Piou-piou in the woodshed with a fox inside ; or it somehow got in, but after checking everywhere we haven't found out any possible breach.

When we had just finished the main course, so maybe half an hour later, I heard Gaston sounding alarm, so I decided to go outside check and let the chickens out. I began by opening the woodshed and saw what I first thought was my male cat jumping behind the wood stack. However when Théo flew by me screaming alarm I knew something was wrong. I found Piou-piou on the nest with some blood on her. I called my partner who instantly told me to close the woodshed. I took Piou-piou in and tended her wounds. They are all small but one is pretty deep. She was in total shock and while she could stand on her legs, she kept falling as soon as she tried to move. No swelling or strain apparent on her leg ; since she has had a few episodes like this before, we are hoping it is from stress and not something broken in her back.
We put her in the coop in a dog crate and she was very unhappy about it, but she couldn't stand on her feet and I was afraid she would fall off the roost. Besides, she will need to be isolated as she has some ugly wounds and Cannelle and Kara go crazy at the sight of blood.

My partner killed the fox while I was taking care of Piou-piou. I would have let him go, but what's done is done.

I can't imagine how terrified they must have been to be locked up with the fox. And to think we did that believing they would be safer than ranging. I hate locking the chickens up, but I know my partner 's reaction will be to lock them more. They were incredibly lucky that Gaston made his alarm call, I guess he probably heard something abnormal from where he was locked up in the coop's run.

So there ends 2023.


Pictures from the morning.


First fox attack.
Day started grey and drizzling. At lunch it was raining and we decided to lock the chickens in as it was raining and we weren't watching over them.
It turns out we very likely locked up Théo and Piou-piou in the woodshed with a fox inside ; or it somehow got in, but after checking everywhere we haven't found out any possible breach.

When we had just finished the main course, so maybe half an hour later, I heard Gaston sounding alarm, so I decided to go outside check and let the chickens out. I began by opening the woodshed and saw what I first thought was my male cat jumping behind the wood stack. However when Théo flew by me screaming alarm I knew something was wrong. I found Piou-piou on the nest with some blood on her. I called my partner who instantly told me to close the woodshed. I took Piou-piou in and tended her wounds. They are all small but one is pretty deep. She was in total shock and while she could stand on her legs, she kept falling as soon as she tried to move. No swelling or strain apparent on her leg ; since she has had a few episodes like this before, we are hoping it is from stress and not something broken in her back.
We put her in the coop in a dog crate and she was very unhappy about it, but she couldn't stand on her feet and I was afraid she would fall off the roost. Besides, she will need to be isolated as she has some ugly wounds and Cannelle and Kara go crazy at the sight of blood.

My partner killed the fox while I was taking care of Piou-piou. I would have let him go, but what's done is done.

I can't imagine how terrified they must have been to be locked up with the fox. And to think we did that believing they would be safer than ranging. I hate locking the chickens up, but I know my partner 's reaction will be to lock them more. They were incredibly lucky that Gaston made his alarm call, I guess he probably heard something abnormal from where he was locked up in the coop's run.

So there ends 2023.

Pictures from the morning.

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What you describe is one of my worst nightmares. Every time I lock them in at night I worry I have locked a raccoon in with them!
I hope Piou-Piou makes a full and fast recovery.
Hey-ho. Tomorrow is another year.

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