Théo and the chickens des Sauches

That kind of a day. When the weather echoes my mood.
ceasefire now whitebg.png
I zap away the horrid news more often these last years. It makes me very sad and very angry. Every new war seems more terrible and inhumane.

Why do people choose these narcissist in power? Just a hypothetic question. Better not answer it on this forum.
I zap away the horrid news more often these last years. It makes me very sad and very angry. Every new war seems more terrible and inhumane.

Why do people choose these narcissist in power? Just a hypothetic question. Better not answer it on this forum.
I don’t know and you’re right! I had to turn off the news this morning. I try to pay attention so I can do my best to be a good citizen in the world but holy cow this is a mess!
I don’t know and you’re right! I had to turn off the news this morning. I try to pay attention so I can do my best to be a good citizen in the world but holy cow this is a mess!
I have to protect my mental health first and foremost, that means being very careful about news. I already know how unutterably heinous war is.

Cease fire now and always.
I watch historical things. It seems like ever since people have wrote things down, it has been war and slavery. Crazy that we haven't advanced past that.

I didn’t like history as a child and teenager, because most of what we had to learn was about wars.

The history I did find interesting was about the evolving of architecture, art, industrialisation, literature and the way people lived in earlier days.
Thank you all for the kind feedback. I know feeling bad is useless and won't make things change, and you all are right, it's mostly due to an overload of crappy information. Before we came here I only had had a smartphone for a year ; I listened to the news daily, read a newspaper once or twice a week, that was it. I suppose I fell in the smartphone trap because I am so isolated.
I already talked on MJ's thread about "a poem a day" to which we both subscribe and yesterday the daily text was eerilie on spot ! It was called "Abracadabra/ List of things to vanish" and ended by
"But don’t kid yourself/ It isn’t / And it can’t include

(Link for anyone curious).

The weather was better today, and felt much warmer. Yesterday it didn't go above 1/34 but strangely it rained all day even when it was freezing early, 35ml total. This morning I saw that it had snowed nicely on the mountains, but quite higher above us. Still it wasn't cold, again 1/34 in the morning and with a bit of sun it really warmed up during the day. The chickens didn't hurry to come out (except Piou-piou who wanted to go lay in the barn🙄). But once the sun was out they all came outside. Even the ex-batt's spent quite a bit of time out in the afternoon, more than they have in a while. There is a lot of mud everywhere and the snow melted away today, so they really wanted to eat it before there was none left !

Lilly laid during the night in a nest box : she must have known before that it would happen, because she usually lays in the run, and yesterday evening before roosting she was checking out all the nest boxes inside the coop.

Then in the morning I heard Lulu squealing like a mix between a duck and a pig. She has also been checking out nest boxes for a while now but this morning it really sounded urgent. She was calling Gaston who didn't really feel concerned. I saw her going in various nests, then I left. When I came back there was an egg on the floor of the coop which I gathered was hers. It has a little blood on it. At the end of the day I was 100% certain it was hers because I found eggs from all the other hens currently laying. So she is the last to lay at 29 weeks, which is the latest any of the hens I have seen here. It's obvious the four of them are not great layers compared to our other chickens, they lay small eggs less often, but we are very happy with it if it allows them to have less problems !


Someone didn't get the cue that a hen is not supposed to molt, lay and go broody at the same times.

Cannelle is growing her feathers slowly but surely.

Gaston checking out Kara’s butt.

Lulu the new layer ! She may be my favourite of the four pullets because she speaks so much like a duck 😂.

Cannelle and Blanche.

Lilly ! Her Bumblefoot is getting out of control 🙁.

Kara be more like herself today. Meaning she is bullying everyone again, stuffing herself, and chasing whatever few bugs she can find now.

Merle is growing a tail ! But it's not over yet. I don't know why they are molting so late !

She doesn't want Théo near her anymore and he is very unhappy about it.


Piou-piou was very relieved to be able to dig again without getting snow and mud shoes.



Poor Laure gets bullied by both Lilly and Chipie.


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All you can do is be an honorable and kind person in your life.
Remind me about the poem a day - I remember thinking I could do with that but I forgot to find it and subscribe.
Glorious day here (snow yesterday and miserable rain tomorrow) so the Princesses are out and about enjoying themselves.
I am cooking lentils.

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