Théo and the chickens des Sauches

My brother in law is a painter and did this study in black and white, with a tiny amount of color in three places. I love it, as does my husband. We’ve had a few guests who don’t like it - either the colors, the subject (why would you paint garbage?) or both. I find the use of black and white so compelling.
Hello @Solanacae ! It is certainly interesting, I would have to see it for real to know whether I like it or not. On my small screen, it comes out as incredibly realistic. I'm unfortunately not very receptive to painting, I lack an artistic eye ( a nice way to say I have rather narrow taste 🤣). It's funny that some people would be repelled by the subject, death and decay represented through still life have been a thing in painting at least since Bosch!
Hopefully the roosters will accept the seperation of living space. I've had roosters driven out of their tribe coops in the past and it makes life difficult.
I think they probably won't because the hens won't. Having the two roosters in the same coop already is difficult!
I don't think I realised how pretty Lea is until today. Those tiny touches of black among the blonde are lovely.
I don't take as many pictures of her I realize because she isn't so pretty. Her colour is quite beautiful especially in the sun, she looks golden. But I find her figure quite strange, with her chubby body, very small head, and fully feathered legs! She's a lovely hen, very peaceful and she's also both clever and athletic. I had put a perch to allow the smaller chickens to get in or out of the chicken netted yard without going through the netting, and she is the only one who figured out how to use it.
Today was really warm and windy, as forecasted : 7/44 in the morning, and when the sun set it was still 17/62! Crazy weather.
I had a number of chicken worries today, though the chickens seemed to have a nice day overall.
Merle spent three hours and a half in her nest this morning. She didn't look sick at all after laying (apart from still being itchy) but what is going on ?

Blanche has a white pimple, like a tiny cyst, that showed up on her ear lobe. I've no clue what it is and whether I should try to put something on it. She acts her crazy usual self.

Chipie and Cannelle's truce is over. Like Chipie always does when someone starts being nice, she tries to dominate...she attacked Cannelle! And this happened at least twice! Of course Cannelle replies. This will not end well for Chipie.

Théo was really upset with Gaston today and he chased him countless times outside the netting. My partner, who had a TV in his childhood when I did not, says they remind him of the Benny Hill show which always ended in crazy pursuits 🙄.

Roosting was awful. Gaston was scared to go in the coop as he could hear Théo challenging him behind the fence in the run. Then, Piou-piou threw Léa out of the roost. Then, Nougat and Blanche did the same with Chipie. By that time the roosters were both really upset calling Léa and Chipie. In the end both hens managed to go back to their usual place, I put them in the dark to calm them down and called it a day.

I won't be posting tomorrow as the logistics to reach christmas dinner on time at my partner's stepmother are rather complicated 😕 and we will be sleeping there, I hope we wake up on time to come back open the roost before Gaston and Théo have murdered each other.

A pretty Léa série.

Chipie challenging Cannelle, then getting attacked by Blanche.


Blanche's earlobe has a pimple 😕


Hello @Solanacae ! It is certainly interesting, I would have to see it for real to know whether I like it or not. On my small screen, it comes out as incredibly realistic. I'm unfortunately not very receptive to painting, I lack an artistic eye ( a nice way to say I have rather narrow taste 🤣). It's funny that some people would be repelled by the subject, death and decay represented through still life have been a thing in painting at least since Bosch!
I’ve been lurking and loving your beautiful photos for a while now. Like most paintings, it’s splotches when you look at it up close, but when you step back it’s recognizable as metal cans. My brother in law has a fascinating eye, he does landscapes quite nicely, and has done several still life compositions that are quite nice. I love some of his more unusual creations though - this painting is actually on the bottom of an old wooden drawer (also considered garbage, since the dresser it was in was falling apart) so you have beauty from common things of no perceived value. He also did a portrait on an old denim shirt of a cook from a restaurant that he and my husband worked at. The cook is holding a cup of coffee and a cigarette, very grizzled and worn, just like the shirt. My husband says it’s a very accurate representation of both his physical appearance and his personality.

I agree with you about decay and death showing up in still life - there are plenty of still life compositions that show fruit that is bruising, etc. I just think that a lot of people want art to be pretty, but beauty is also in the eye of the beholder.

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