Théo and the chickens des Sauches

Poor Piou-piou and Lilly; I do hope they feel better very soon.
But I agree with Karl in this case that the ideas of the ruling class have become the ruling ideas, especially about how nature is treated and wanting "things"
Most ideas seem to be contested these days, so the decisions made (or not made) by the lawmakers are the issue, I think. And it seems to me that the amount of friction or inertia that anybody who wants change has to overcome is usually overwhelming, so change happens in tiny increments and very slowly, and it happens only as a result of a lot of moral strength and persistence if by altruistic agents of change, or (alternatively) by bribery of one shade or another, if somebody or other is going to profit by the change. The sudden late introduction of wrecking motions on environmental legislation is a typical example of a red flag for me. Lobbyists wielding bribes are usually behind such acts, and corporations that can afford both are the drivers. I'm not ready to call corporations the ruling class, but by hook or by crook they often call the shots these days.
I was also impressed by Mary Oliver's use of "we", including both the writer and the reader. If my disagreement with what is going on stays passive or personal, is it not having the same result as validating ?
I see your point, but what about the people too busy just surviving to worry about anything beyond their immediate struggle? Just trying to make ends meet can be, and for many is, mentally exhausting. Meanwhile those of us in the chattering classes (where I include myself) often feel powerless to do anything about the ills we see, and that can be emotionally debilitating. And then there are just the indifferent, who I suspect are very numerous. Charismatic leaders are needed to get them engaged. For an example of that I'd cite Jeremy Clarkson, who is not in any way my kind of person. But his series on farming has transformed the public perception of the industry, and of sustainable and organic farming. The (literally) pig ignorant petrol-head turned organic farmer has a huge following, and is now actually doing some good I think. Amazing. Individuals can make a difference, if they have that rare quality to be able to catch the attention of the otherwise indifferent and channel it for good. History is sadly full of examples of such individuals who had it and channelled it for ill.

Tax for a lot of off topic musing: Frida inspecting me carefully
Frida (2).JPG
Most ideas seem to be contested these days, so the decisions made (or not made) by the lawmakers are the issue, I think. And it seems to me that the amount of friction or inertia that anybody who wants change has to overcome is usually overwhelming, so change happens in tiny increments and very slowly, and it happens only as a result of a lot of moral strength and persistence if by altruistic agents of change, or (alternatively) by bribery of one shade or another, if somebody or other is going to profit by the change. The sudden late introduction of wrecking motions on environmental legislation is a typical example of a red flag for me. Lobbyists wielding bribes are usually behind such acts, and corporations that can afford both are the drivers. I'm not ready to call corporations the ruling class, but by hook or by crook they often call the shots these days.

I see your point, but what about the people too busy just surviving to worry about anything beyond their immediate struggle? Just trying to make ends meet can be, and for many is, mentally exhausting. Meanwhile those of us in the chattering classes (where I include myself) often feel powerless to do anything about the ills we see, and that can be emotionally debilitating. And then there are just the indifferent, who I suspect are very numerous. Charismatic leaders are needed to get them engaged. For an example of that I'd cite Jeremy Clarkson, who is not in any way my kind of person. But his series on farming has transformed the public perception of the industry, and of sustainable and organic farming. The (literally) pig ignorant petrol-head turned organic farmer has a huge following, and is now actually doing some good I think. Amazing. Individuals can make a difference, if they have that rare quality to be able to catch the attention of the otherwise indifferent and channel it for good. History is sadly full of examples of such individuals who had it and channelled it for ill.

Tax for a lot of off topic musing: Frida inspecting me carefullyView attachment 3834692
Thank you again for sharing your thoughts, it's interesting for me to hear your reactions as I tend to think in circle. I do agree with most of what you say ; it seems Frida isn't sure about it though 😁.
I suppose you saw the Guardians paper interviewing hundred of scientists, many who participated in IPCC, about their vision of the future and the environmental crisis ? Why is it that rulers will listen to lobby rather than to them, I don't get...

Today was a tiny bit better for Lilly and Piou-piou, so I didn't feel as discouraged. Or maybe it's because we finally had a beautiful day with sunshine, and not scorching like it usually is here when the sun comes out.

It was Lilly's third day in the crate and I think she will be glad to be outside tomorrow. Gaston is going crazy that she is not with him. The first time he saw her on the other side of the fence when I had let her out a bit on Wednesday, he crashed against the fence trying to jump on her ! And now every time he sees her he goes running all wings out and then makes sad noises when he realises he can't get to her. She is also very keen to see him, which shows she isn't really getting broody I guess. But I will try to keep them apart for another day or two because I don't want her getting hurt with Gaston's weight.

Tonight for the first time I didn't manage to get her to take the antibiotics mixed in food. She refused in mackerel, scrambled eggs, bread and bananas which had done the trick the last three days. I think it makes too much liquid, so she dislikes both the taste and the texture. I had to give it with a syringe and she struggled like crazy, it was dreadful. Especially as she had been so nice while I tended her wound on my own 🙁. Tomorrow I'll try to do it differently and split the dose in smaller portions throughout the day in semolina. I hope it works.

Sweetest crated sick chicken I've seen yet- sitting on an egg.

Time out !



No chicken




Gaston and Chipie : can I help you my Lady ?



Nougat had her voice back a bit today for the first time in more than two months.

Merle is still broody so I kick her out of the coop as soon as everyone else has laid to try to make her stop.

One good news in the garden among all the death caused by the frost : I now have something like a real borage patch ! It has reseeded and finally found a place it likes, in the shade near where the dead hens are buried.

And some sad news for Piou-piou. Yesterday I said her skin was really irritated. I put a soothing calendula cream on it. Bad idea, she pecked it to blood, so now she has a real wound. I was so desperate to do something that I put white clay on it. At least she can't peck it anymore. That was an hour before she opened the skin to blood.

And after I put the clay, drying it out in the sun.
What is the volume of antibiotic you need to give? And is it powder or liquid?
I had quite good success with ‘bread balls’ - pop them in the beak (at the back and to the side) and one swallow and it is gone.
You need bad quality bread though to be able to make it into balls!

I used to put it on a tiny piece of cheese and watch it disappear into the hen.
Thanks for the suggestions! I tried the bread, but it didn't work.
I think she may be more picky than usual because she is broody, as she had two rounds of antibiotics this winter with no issue.
It's liquid like water and I need to give 1ml, so it has to be with something that can either absorb or be mixed with the liquid.
Sorry for Lilly and Piou-piou, your sick chickens. :hugs:hugs:fl:fl

Imho it’s not good you /the vet give her antibiotics for the third time this year. I wouldn’t for sure. A chicken that had so much antibiotics has an imbalanced health (imbalanced bacteria) and is vulnerable for new diseases. She needs to get a new balance on her own strength and if she can’t, I would say she is just a chicken who dies earlier than I would like.
Another reason not to give AB repeatedly is the risk to develop a strain of resistent bacteria. 🦠 But of course you have to finish the treatment now you started it. I do hope she pulls through, but I wouldn’t count on it too much. Poor Lilly.

I suppose you saw the Guardians paper interviewing hundred of scientists, many who participated in IPCC, about their vision of the future and the environmental crisis
Do you have a link for me?
? Why is it that rulers will listen to lobby rather than to them, I don't get...
Some thoughts/theories:
Money or jobs (after politics) offered ‘under the table’.
Or they are just stupid and can be persuaded too easily by people who made it their job to persuade with sort of false arguments.
Or they have such a huge dislike for people who are wiser and more educated they prefer to ignore them. Scientists often speak in a way they don’t really (want to) understand.
Or they are narcissistic sociopaths and do everything to please the people who don’t want any changes and are easily influenced with stupid promises and ideas.

The politicians in my country who just made an agreement to govern make me puke. Most of them are really incapable to make sensible decisions for our future. Their plan is to persuade the EU government to bend the rules for an even faster climate catastrophe. 😪
Sorry for Lilly and Piou-piou, your sick chickens. :hugs:hugs:fl:fl

Imho it’s not good you /the vet give her antibiotics for the third time this year. I wouldn’t for sure. A chicken that had so much antibiotics has an imbalanced health (imbalanced bacteria) and is vulnerable for new diseases. She needs to get a new balance on her own strength and if she can’t, I would say she is just a chicken who dies earlier than I would like.
Another reason not to give AB repeatedly is the risk to develop a strain of resistent bacteria. 🦠 But of course you have to finish the treatment now you started it. I do hope she pulls through, but I wouldn’t count on it too much. Poor Lilly.
Yes, I agree in general cases. For her we did feel looking at the wound antibiotics were needed because it is so deep and we can't manually clean it inside properly.

The first round of antibiotics she had were in November to try to avoid surgery. That was a gamble, but I agreed giving a try at her having antibiotics to avoid global anesthesia. The second round was after the surgery, and the third now after another surgery. Apart from the first time, I personally think they were necessary, and she had different broad-spectrum antibios each time.

I may have thought twice about it, if she had refused the antibiotics like this on the first day. But yesterday was the fourth dose and she still needs four, so now indeed she must finish the treatment.

Luckily, seing her poop, her gut health has improved a lot ! And I have to say while I don't like it, it was the chemical dewormer that did it. Now her poop is always healthy.

I am actually sure by 90% she will survive this time because she is acting really healthy and active, when she is not on the nest. A hen that was undergoing an infection or a fever wouldn't be running around scratching and digging !
Edited to add : however she is one of the four pullets I bought that came here unhealthy and I don't expect any of them to live for very long. They are obviously struggling with the parasites and bacterias in my environment that don't seem to bother the other chickens so much.
Do you have a link for me?
Some thoughts/theories:
Money or jobs (after politics) offered ‘under the table’.
Or they are just stupid and can be persuaded too easily by people who made it their job to persuade with sort of false arguments.
Or they have such a huge dislike for people who are wiser and more educated they prefer to ignore them. Scientists often speak in a way they don’t really (want to) understand.
Or they are narcissistic sociopaths and do everything to please the people who don’t want any changes and are easily influenced with stupid promises and ideas.

The politicians in my country who just made an agreement to govern make me puke. Most of them are really incapable to make sensible decisions for our future. Their plan is to persuade the EU government to bend the rules for an even faster climate catastrophe. 😪
Still most politicians get a higher education. And they must have some kind of intelligence to reach those positions. I can understand that they would think more about money or very short term popularity when climate change was abstract but now it's becoming a positive threat everywhere around the planet. Don't they have children ?
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Still most politicians get a higher education. And they must have some kind of intelligence to reach those positions. I can understand that they would think more about money or very short term popularity when climate change was abstract but now it's becoming a positive threat everywhere around the planet. Don't they have children ?
Some are in denial. Some assume it won't affect them and theirs and don't care what happens elsewhere. Some will even create natural havoc by targeting their enemies' natural environment (blow up a dam, poison the water etc.). Some think the tech bros will save the planet with smart solutions (how's that going where you live, wherever you are? mostly hot air/hype here). Some are incorrigible optimists. Some want to let nature take its course. Some are corrupt and will do anything for money. And some don't care what happens after they've got whatever they can get for themselves out of this life.

In my experience most people think it won't happen to them, until it does. And it's always harder to get people to take preventative measures than to take a cure, even if the latter is much more brutal than the former. It's people's instinct to ignore possible undesirables, versus having to deal with the then unavoidable.
In my experience most people think it won't happen to them, until it does. And it's always harder to get people to take preventative measures than to take a cure, even if the latter is much more brutal than the former. It's people's instinct to ignore possible undesirables, versus having to deal with the then unavoidable.
Now that last point is something I can totally relate with.
Not thinking about what will happen if a male chick does not get along with the adult rooster or hoping having consolidated a third of the property 's fence will stop the boar from destroying the garden come to mind 🙄.
Thanks for the explanation and the link
. And good to hear you have high hopes.

They are obviously struggling with the parasites and bacterias in my environment that don't seem to bother the other chickens so much.
Or within their bodies?

Still most politicians get a higher education
It’s decreasing rapidly in my country. Several wise politicians stopped after the last term because of harassments and personal threats. Stupid narcissistic /populist politicians came in return.

The/some people became more grim during the corona pandemic. More and more people don’t want to believe the smarter politicians, but prefer to listen to the hollow promises and the rhetorics of the populists.

I feel as if the Netherlands isn’t my country anymore. I truly believe half the country is doomed to flood one day and the people who live there are like ostriches. Looking away.
Near Rotterdam they are building a large new residential area to solve the housing shortage in an area that is 5-6 meters below sea level.
The new gov has the plan to increase the max speed levels on the highway to please the shortsighted car owners. They plan to stop facilitating many green projects in favour for the fossil industry.
It makes me very sad and want to get away from it all.

Don't they have children ?
I think only 1 out of 4 leaders who made the coalition has children. But I don’t think that is/should be relevant.

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