Théo and the chickens des Sauches

Both amusing on french people's love for demonstrations and strike, and aggravating on the substance of it !

If Macron had submitted his reform to a vote in parliament it was likely to pass even if two thirds of french people disagree with it. Instead he used article 49.3 like he has been doing for all important laws since he began his new mandate which allows him to skip a vote by engaging his government's responsibility. I don't call this brave, I call it stupid, and I think it will greatly help the extreme right in the next presidential election by dividing again the traditional conservative right.
Charles is probably happy that he finally may work at an age almost everyone else like to enjoy retirement. 😅

I wonder what it is that brings those demonstrators to the streets? Do the young people realise that they protest against a reasonable income in the future? Is getting a pension at 62 with a live in poverty for many (less money to spend monthly ) what they really want?

Who is going to feed all the retired people if you leave the age of retirement at 62? My thoughts: Not adding a few years probably will create an impossible situation in the future with many more retired people who live (in general) several years longer than our grandparents. In general the people being 64 now are healthier than people at the age of 62 about 25-50 years ago.
So I think its wise to add a few years of labour for those who have no health problems / not have a job that is getting too hard at that age.

Our state pension has moved from 65 to 67 in recent years. I think that’s okay for the healthy people who have office jobs. But it sucks for many physical jobs.
It's heartening news! But why did you think of me, because puffins are actually predators ?
Years ago I went for a month road trip in Iceland and saw loads on the cliffs of the western coast, but that is the only time I ever saw them.

Yesterday just after posting I happened to receive this text about predators. (I subscribed to this lady's writings as she adresses many of my own dilemmas, and although I rarely agree I often find her point of view interesting).

Tiny Piou-piou is acting very unwell today. I'm not sure what's wrong, shes usually so alert. Thinking either egg bound or a splint / broken leg, but I can't catch her to check. I'm worried 😟.
will that harm your harvest, or will they already have been fertilized?
I have yet to find any proper analysis of the nutritional values of flowers here, but the chickens eat most of those in the lawn quickly here too.
Funny I didn't notice the years before but maybe because they fall mostly on the part we restrict for the ex-batts.
I don't think there will be much damage. We fear a late freeze more.
But we had a huge amount of cherry last year and I've noticed that usually it means not as much the following one.
I'm glad they've kept him. I feel better knowing his condition is being diagnosed.
Yes, me too.
We realized that the cats having totally free access to their feed in a separate storage room means it took us two days before we realized he wasn't eating.
Then again, if they had still been complete outdoor cats, it would probably have taken us two or three more days to notice there was a problem.

Unfortunately this means we won't be taking Piou-piou to the vet. My partner will have almost 7 hours of vet driving this week and next week he has again to drive his mum twice for health reasons to town. It's not often that I wish I could drive / blame myself for failing to learn but it would be really helpful in this case.
Yes, me too.
We realized that the cats having totally free access to their feed in a separate storage room means it took us two days before we realized he wasn't eating.
Then again, if they had still been complete outdoor cats, it would probably have taken us two or three more days to notice there was a problem.

Unfortunately this means we won't be taking Piou-piou to the vet. My partner will have almost 7 hours of vet driving this week and next week he has again to drive his mum twice for health reasons to town. It's not often that I wish I could drive / blame myself for failing to learn but it would be really helpful in this case.
Chickens before people and cats.:p
Update from Piou-piou's visit to the vet : good news! ☺️😊😊 :wee :wee:wee
She says the wound is healing correctly. The problem that made it worse the last two or three days, comes from the feathers beginning to grow over it, that are hindering healing and itching the hen, so she trimmed those.
She still gave her antibiotics (my partner couldn't tell me which but my bet is on amoxicillin) for a week, but she thinks Piou-piou is healthy. She says we have to keep her off the ground until we receive the apron as she must not dustbath until everything is properly healed. So the poor hen will have to stay crated for a while, as she tries to dustbathe as soon as she's on the ground.
My partner says she wasn't too afraid at the vet but that she hasn't drunk or eaten anything yet. It's a long ride there and back.
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Hooray!! That's great news!
Very impressive ! I didn't know about them. Yes, apparently there are many in France.
I did visit pigeon valley in cappadocia- the troglodytes houses also had pigeon caves, but on a much smaller scale.

Here is Piou-piou's wound today. Still putting it under a spoiler if anyone reads this at breakfast though it's much better. The red part in the middle is a crust. @RoyalChick would you let her out ? She's really turning nuts being locked in but I would rather wait a few days than having to start all over. And the apron hasn't arrived yet 🙁.
Is the red part dry or oozing?
And what is the brown/black lumpy bit at bottom left?

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