Théo and the chickens des Sauches

My point is: don't let that fool disturb your tranquillity.
Just don't take him seriously

Yes, you are right, and it's what I usually do.
Still it bothers me to be owing to him living here for free as I know that through his lense, money is a very important issue. My partner thinks we don't owe him a thing because we invest money to care for this place we will never own. I could try to say I will set money aside and his father and him can decide what use they make of it for the place ; maybe that would feel acceptable to both.
I turned 46 today. It wasn't a bad year and it wasn't a very good one either. Not much really memorable in fact. Chicken wise it was stressful in the beginning when the two roosters kept fighting and we fought about them with my partner, and then when Piou-piou got wounded. And of course when I didn't manage to euthanize Brune correctly. But the last months have felt better, even with that. Going from 10 to 20 (now 18) helped. Watching the chicks grow and run around has been a joy, and while the new pullets were not healthy, they adjusted very well. The chickens have many annoying health issues, but they don't seem to be doing that badly watching their overall state. I expect Blanche will not last much longer but i’m actually amazed she’s still here. Next week, it will be the three ex-batt's fictitious fourth birthday 🥰.

I am still feeling a bit overwhelmed with all those chickens and not sure I will want to go on with chicken keeping. But I find that it's difficult for me to re-home chickens, letting them go and all that, so I guess I will have chickens for a while 😂.

I solved Merle’s egg mystery - she had discreetly laid in the barn yesterday. But I had another egg riddle today. Kara spent an hour in her usual nest box, but when I went to retrieve the egg, it was light beige instead of dark brown! So either she has gone short on paint, either someone else laid this egg. It looked like Léa’s, but that would have meant she laid two in the same morning (which has happened to her already) ; other possibilities is one of the young pullets, which I would be very excited about. I’m hoping for an answer tomorrow!


My partner thinks we don't owe him a thing because we invest money to care for this place we will never own.
I agree with your partner. You are paying in kind. It's a form of payment that's been recognized for millennia.
I turned 46 today.
Happy birthday to you! 🎂 🥂
Next week, it will be the three ex-batt's fictitious fourth birthday 🥰.
you've done brilliantly to get them this far - I know it's not been easy, but they have had as long in paradise as they had in prison now. :highfive:
I could try to say I will set money aside and his father and him can decide what use they make of it for the place ; maybe that would feel acceptable to both.
If it really bothers you, then it's a good idea.

It might even enable them to decide on projects together.
Yes, you are right, and it's what I usually do.
I'm just taking a moment to say, while it's good advice, it's not always easy for me to do it either. Lately I've had a hoard of 1st years ruffling my feathers by (a) failing to inform themselves of how the course's assessments work and (b) panicking because they didn't follow instructions in one of those assessments :rolleyes:

At this moment they're enraged that I took a day for writing yesterday instead of (excuse the anger and the Aussie turn of phrase) wiping their arses for them. I daresay the dean will hear about it.

Hey ho. Better offer some chickens to pay for my ranting.


These three are eating up Janet's breakfast leftovers. Her beak needs attention so I've been giving her breakfast separate from everyone else. I'll be calling the vet this morning and making an appointment for her.
I know selling animals is not the same for many reasons, but still a thing i’m not totally confortable with.
Really? I would be absolutely facinated to read any justifications you may have for the above.:p
People have been selling people for thousands of years. They still do although sometimes one has to look hard at a situation to see the sales and the profit. Many people sell themselves in order to eat still in this day and age.
Is the principle of not selling life, or the conditions those lives are kept in that's important?
Yes, you are right, and it's what I usually do.
Still it bothers me to be owing to him living here for free as I know that through his lense, money is a very important issue. My partner thinks we don't owe him a thing because we invest money to care for this place we will never own. I could try to say I will set money aside and his father and him can decide what use they make of it for the place ; maybe that would feel acceptable to both.
I turned 46 today. It wasn't a bad year and it wasn't a very good one either. Not much really memorable in fact. Chicken wise it was stressful in the beginning when the two roosters kept fighting and we fought about them with my partner, and then when Piou-piou got wounded. And of course when I didn't manage to euthanize Brune correctly. But the last months have felt better, even with that. Going from 10 to 20 (now 18) helped. Watching the chicks grow and run around has been a joy, and while the new pullets were not healthy, they adjusted very well. The chickens have many annoying health issues, but they don't seem to be doing that badly watching their overall state. I expect Blanche will not last much longer but i’m actually amazed she’s still here. Next week, it will be the three ex-batt's fictitious fourth birthday 🥰.

I am still feeling a bit overwhelmed with all those chickens and not sure I will want to go on with chicken keeping. But I find that it's difficult for me to re-home chickens, letting them go and all that, so I guess I will have chickens for a while 😂.

I solved Merle’s egg mystery - she had discreetly laid in the barn yesterday. But I had another egg riddle today. Kara spent an hour in her usual nest box, but when I went to retrieve the egg, it was light beige instead of dark brown! So either she has gone short on paint, either someone else laid this egg. It looked like Léa’s, but that would have meant she laid two in the same morning (which has happened to her already) ; other possibilities is one of the young pullets, which I would be very excited about. I’m hoping for an answer tomorrow!

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Happy Birthday.

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