
Snowed pretty good yesterday. Beautiful. Today is all melting off. 37 degrees with 81% humidity. Supposed to get down to 28 tonight, so tomorrow driving around would be dangerous. No snow or ice on roads today, so will do my errands this afternoon.
Snow 1.10.21.jpg
snow 1.10.21 a.jpg
snow 1.10.21 b.jpg
Roads were quite surprisingly dry - everywhere I went today. Everything had melted into the ground... A few puddles here and there. High was like 47° and a low of 20-something tonight.... (Shrugs) tomorrow? 60-ish?

I think my article is about done as is the coop modding.... I suppose this might qualify as an "neonatal unit" as I plan to let the broody silkies hatch more soon enough in the nesting boxes.... :lau @AllenK RGV I hope you know I'm not pickin' on ya; infact I feel like your "gentle teasing" is a big ole compliment. At least *that's how I've always seen it*....
Roads were quite surprisingly dry - everywhere I went today. Everything had melted into the ground... A few puddles here and there. High was like 47° and a low of 20-something tonight.... (Shrugs) tomorrow? 60-ish?

I think my article is about done as is the coop modding.... I suppose this might qualify as an "neonatal unit" as I plan to let the broody silkies hatch more soon enough in the nesting boxes.... :lau @AllenK RGV I hope you know I'm not pickin' on ya; infact I feel like your "gentle teasing" is a big ole compliment. At least *that's how I've always seen it*....
So the last few days I have only been sleeping in two hour sets, if I ever get back to the entire 8 I will be set. It is mostly my back muscles hurt due to several having blown out so many discs going through life.

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