
@allen wranch did you ever find your Silkies? I know someone in Beeville I can provide you with contact info.....
I think it's @marthas_ear that is looking for them.
I think They accidentally quoted Allen's message and put their message inside the quote.
What a shame @SunHwaKwon I'm still only seeing Caracaras around here. Temps this week are only topping out in the mid to low 90's(sweet relief) and supposedly lows in the mid 70's(liars I'm sure). I don't look forward to all the winter visitors we will be seeing as the North Texans send all of their problems down this way for winter.

Regardless, Invest 94L has me a bit concerned, https://spaghettimodels.com/ and watch that one for the next couple of weeks it is about to leave the wind shear behind and looks like it is running south of PR, Dominica and Cuba where the ocean has some incredible heat potential and then into the Gulf. I hope I'm wrong about this one but it has been on my radar and looks disconcerting for us coasties. Right now if it gets a name it will be Humberto, not a name I like as I remember Humberto from 2007.

As an aside I am totally going to grab an offshoot of this cactus, the flowers look great:


(LATE EDIT)Also nice to see the shear maps have changed today making cyclone formation unfavorable for 94L:

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I noticed two chicks were missing on Saturday when I closed up. Yesterday I heard a bunch of hollering and when I went out there were three dead chicks and a large hawk in the tree by the run. The annual lock down has now begun. (Sigh)
So sorry! I haven't lost any to hawks since January when I lost my lavender orp (my favorite, of course)
I was waxing philosophical today and weighing their happiness (free ranging) vs their security. My favorites now are a chubby orp. & her shy ee friend. Those two never keep up with the flock.
My big gripe today is rat snakes! I lost some fertile eggs last month and keep losing eggs out of my big pen. I found another snake in the nest today. He has very obviously eaten two eggs. I was nice enough to move him to the far side of our property. But next the next one gets the hoe. On the plus side, it wasn't a rat.
@AllenK RGV that cactus is beautiful!
Sorry for both of your losses @janiedoe @DaWookie , as an aside this cactus is ready to be transplanted soon to the run for additional cover for the chicken:

It is a real fast grower and is about to go back into full flower after these 40+ buds open from this flowering run. I know its feeling stressed and that is causing it to flower. First image was from its initial stress from transplantation 2nd is because it is getting to big for my container. Flowers are easily the size of dinner plates.

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