
I'm a little closer and I have some young SLW's that are at the POL. There's no cockerel with them yet so it will be a while before I have chicks. I posted pictures of some of them yesterday.

They're beautiful! Well considering we haven't finished our coop, we're not it that much of a rush. I'll have to keep an eye out for when you do!

There's a left in San marcuse other than that ideal poultry is closer to you

Is there a hatchery that I have missed? What's in San Marcuse? Ideal's site says they won't have GLW or SLW until spring.
By the way, I'm in Houston and have a pair of EE pullets I don't need. They haven't started laying yet but I expect they would be if it weren't winter already. If anyone is interested shoot me a PM.
We lease it, since my company pays for it. I think you will be amazed at how fast the Gen-4 is if you switch over. And, like I said, we have the pro plan and it's actually cheaper than before. They come out and replace the part that sticks out in front of the dish, aim the dish at the new satellite, and give you a new router. The guy had it all done in less than an hour. I am very happy with it. I can actually play videos now!! I have been going crazy on Netflix watching MI-5 from the first episode. It downloads the whole episode in less than a minute and shows the whole thing with no interruptions for buffering.
Give this man a call about the Wyandottes. I think he told me he raises them. He lives in Edgewood, which is East of Dallas, not a bad drive for you. Gerald 972-977-3368. I bought my start of BCM from him 1 1/2 years ago. He just came a got a Black and a Blue Copper Marans rooster from me. Good luck.

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